2 unstable releases
0.2.0 | May 15, 2021 |
0.1.0 | Jan 8, 2021 |
#1672 in Math
Rust crate for parsing and doing calculations with measurements, typically used in scientific contexts.
Lexing [OK]
Transform a string(i.e. the input as a sequence of characters) into a sequence of tokens, which can then be fed into the parser.
Parsing [OK]
Read a sequence of tokens — which has a linear structure — and transform it into a tree structure.
Evaluating [OK]
Read the tree structure of the expression and fold it, reducing it into it's final value.
Proper error handling [WIP]
don't panic!
Instead of panic!
ing, it'd better if the evaluator and the parser returned a Result<...>
Parse and perform basic operations with measurements (DONE)
- For example, addition
(23.0 ± 0.1) + (1.5 ± 0.5)
- For example, addition
Add support for:
Add support for squareroots, n-th roots and many other functions
Significant figures & Scientific notation
- Parse and verify if a measured quantity has the correct representation, i.e. with corresponding amount of significant figures
- Parse different kinds of scientific notation, such as
(23.0E+7 ± 1.0E6)
,(2.00 ± 0.01)E-10
- Add support for numeric constants with no uncertainty, such as
, etc- Numeric literals
- Add support for the plus-minus digraph('+-' for
BNF grammar for the expressions
Expression ::= Value | UnaryExpression | BinaryExpression | Grouping
Grouping ::= "(" Expression ")"
Value ::= Constant | Number | Measurement
Measurement ::= Number "±" PosNumber
Number ::= PosNumber | UnaryMinus PosNumber
PosNumber ::= (\d+)(\.\d+)?|(\.\d+)
Constant ::= "e" | "π"
BinaryExpression ::= Expression BinaryOperator Expression
UnaryExpression ::= UnaryOperator Expression
BinaryOperator ::= "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "^"
UnaryOperator ::= UnaryMinus
UnaryMinus ::= "-"
Note: As observed by Pratt's paper on "Top Down Operator Precedence", a Backus-Naur Form(for which BNF is a shorthand) is very inept at capturing the precedence of infix operators. Even then, I still think that specifying a grammar with BNF is useful for providing a quick-and-easy guide, with which you can see the recursive structure of the language at a glance.
Acknowledgements & Further reading
These are some resources that I used to learn about programming language theory, algorithms and their implementations:
Brief introduction to recursive descent parsing, by Ryan Flannery
Crafting Interpreters, by Bob Nystrom
Pratt parsing and precedence climbing are the same algorithm, by Oilshell
Programming Language Theory, a huge list of resources about PLT maintained by Steven Shaw
Simple but powerful Pratt parsing, by Aleksey Kladov(matklad)