1 unstable release

0.0.1 Dec 3, 2024

#18 in #builtin

MPL-2.0 and LGPL-3.0+

6.5K SLoC


Scheme-rs is a work-in-progress implementation of the R6RS specification of the scheme programming language that is designed to work with async Rust runtimes like tokio. In essence, it is a embedded scripting language for the async Rust ecosystem.

Scheme-rs is intended to be fully compliant with R6RS, and R7RS large when it is eventually released. To that end the bones are mostly there but some key issues remain.

Eventually, I would like scheme-rs to be more opinionated in the extras it provides, and include a package manager. That is obviously a long way away.

Features currently supported by scheme-rs:

  • Tail-call optimizations are fully supported
  • Garbage Collected via Bacon-Rajan Concurrent Cycle Collection
  • Most key forms (let/let*/define)
  • Call by current continuation
  • Transformers
  • Spawning tasks and awaiting futures

Features currently unsupported by scheme-rs:

  • Records, and therefore conditions and error handling
  • Ports and IO operations
  • Generally, most API functions are not currently implemented
  • set-car! and set-cdr!
  • A large portion of lexical structures are missing; there's no way to specify recursive data structures
  • Let loop
  • And many more that I cannot think of off the top of my head.


Running a REPL:

A REPL is the default entry point for scheme-rs at the current moment. You can access it by running cargo run in the repo's root directory:

~/scheme-rs> cargo run
    Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.03s
     Running `target/debug/scheme-rs`
>>> (+ 5 5)
$1 = 10

Creating Builtin Functions:

Scheme-rs provides a builtin function attribute macro to allow you to easily define builtins. For example, here is the definition of the number? builtin in the source code:

pub async fn is_number(
    _cont: &Option<Arc<Continuation>>,
    arg: &Gc<Value>,
) -> Result<Gc<Value>, RuntimeError> {
    let arg = arg.read().await;
    Ok(Gc::new(Value::Boolean(matches!(&*arg, Value::Number(_)))))

Why not just use Guile?

In the end, it all comes down to call with current continuation. Guile implements this feature by copying the stack, an action which is obviously problematic when considering ref counts and locks. Scheme-rs remedies this by providing all functions with the current continuation so that they may handle it properly. Additionally, the current continuation only contains references and not locked variables.


~391K SLoC