1 unstable release

0.0.1 Aug 11, 2022

#9 in #prayer


2.5K SLoC


Salati is a Rust that calculate prayer times according to most recent scientific research.

DISCLAIMER The code in this repo, is mainly copied from salah. Typially, I'd create a PR in the other repositoy, but as I'm doing many changes where some are controversial I decided to create a new repository.


My main motivations to create a new repository are the followings:

  • Web Assembly support: planning to integrate it to muslim-box
  • Surface assumptions/adjustments to users: One of my main concerns when using 3rd-party apps/libraries is being unaware of assumptions/corrections/adjustments which put me in ambiguity regarding prayer times. Note that it's we depend on this information to know imsak, iftar and prayer end time as well.
  • Have more control over prayer time calculation:
    • Which twilight to use to compute Isha time?
    • How to calculate prayer time for places in polar circle?


Add the following to your Cargo.toml file under the

salah = "0.0.0"

To get prayer times, do the following

use salati::prelude::*;

const tunis = Coordinates::new(36.8065, 10.1815);
const date  = Utc.ymd(2022, 8, 1);
const params = ParametersBuilder::with(Method::Tunisia, Madhab::Shafi);
const prayers = PrayerTimes::new(date, coordinates, params);

println!("fajr: {}", prayers.fajr.datetime.unwrap());
println!("sunrise: {}", prayers.sunrise.datetime.unwrap());
println!("dhuhr: {}", prayers.dhuhr.datetime.unwrap());
println!("asr: {}", prayers.asr.datetime.unwrap());
println!("maghrib: {}", prayers.maghrib.datetime.unwrap());
println!("isha: {}", prayers.isha.datetime.unwrap());


You can configure your prayer times calculater as follow:

Parameter Description
method used to populate configurations used by known Muslim organizations
fajr_angle Angle of the sun used to calculate Fajr
isha_angle Angle of the sun used to calculate Isha
isha_interval Minutes after Maghrib (if set, the time for Isha will be Maghrib plus isha_interval)
madhab used to calculate Asr time
twilight used to calculate Isha time
high_latitude_rule used to set a minimum time for Fajr and a max time for Isha
method_adjustments method time adjustment
adjustments custom prayer time adjustments in minutes for each prayer time. By default, all values are 0.


Provides preset configuration for a few authorities for calculating prayer times.

Value Description
MuslimWorldLeague Muslim World League. Fajr angle: 18, Isha angle: 17
Egyptian Egyptian General Authority of Survey. Fajr angle: 19.5, Isha angle: 17.5
Karachi University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi. Fajr angle: 18, Isha angle: 18
UmmAlQura Umm al-Qura University, Makkah. Fajr angle: 18.5, Isha interval: 90. Note: you should add a +30 minute custom adjustment for Isha during Ramadan.
Dubai Method used in UAE. Fajr angle: 18.2, Isha angle: 18.2.
Qatar Modified version of Umm al-Qura used in Qatar. Fajr angle: 18, Isha interval: 90.
Kuwait Method used by the country of Kuwait. Fajr angle: 18, Isha angle: 17.5
MoonsightingCommittee Moonsighting Committee. Fajr angle: 18, Isha angle: 18. Also uses seasonal adjustment values.
Singapore Method used by Singapore. Fajr angle: 20, Isha angle: 18.
NorthAmerica Referred to as the ISNA method. Fajr angle: 15, Isha angle: 15
Other Fajr angle: 0, Isha angle: 0. This is the default value for when manually initializing the Parameters struct.


This setting is used only to calulate Asr prayer time:

Value Description
Shafi Will result in an earlier Asr time (default)
Hanafi Will result in a later Asr time

Twilight 🔜

Used to calculate Isha prayer time:

Value Description
Red Earlier Asr time (default)
White Later Asr time

High Latitude Rule

Rule to adjust Fajr/Isha prayer time, we will fallback to this method when we end with invalid prayer times 🔜

Value Description
MiddleOfTheNight Fajr will never be earlier than the middle of the night and Isha will never be later than the middle of the night
SeventhOfTheNight Fajr will never be earlier than the beginning of the last seventh of the night and Isha will never be later than the end of the first seventh of the night
TwilightAngle Similar to SeventhOfTheNight, but instead of 1/7, the fraction of the night used is fajr_angle/60 and isha_angle/60 (default)

You are not sure which strategy to use? use recommended method:

const high_latitude_resolution = HighLatitudeRule::recommended(coordinates);

Polar Circle Resolution 🔜

Used to resolve undefined prayer time in areas located in the polar circle whe sun does not set/rise.

Value Description
NearestPlace Finds the closest location for which sunrise and sunset prayer times can be computed
NearestDay Finds the closest date (forward or backward) for which sunrise and sunset prayer times can be computed
Unresolved (default) Leaves all prayer undefined
UmmAlQura Calculate prayer times based on Umm Al-Qura location


  1. Clone Repository
  2. Set-up pre-commit
pipenv install
pipenv run pre-commit install
  1. Make your changes into a new new branch
  2. Add unit tests for your changes
  3. Run unit tests: cargo test


~93K SLoC