10 releases

0.1.9 Jun 20, 2020
0.1.8 Jun 19, 2020

#15 in #ident

33 downloads per month


1.5K SLoC


A generic dice bot for RPG


Types of Value

name description syntax Example
Bool An Boolean Value ("True" | "False") True
Fnc A Function which receives an argument "\\" Ident "." Expr \\x.x+1
List A Vec of Values "[" ((Expr ",")* Expr)? "]" [612, "ABCdef", \\x.x+1]
Num A Number of f64 ["0"-"9"]+(.["0"-"9"]+)? 61.2
Ref A reference to grobal values {([^"."]+ ",")* [^"."]+} {abc.def.123}
Str A String of String "\"" [^"\""]* "\"" "ABCdef"


An ident is a string which is not surrounded with " and has only alphabetic character. You can bind value to Ident.

This is an example:

(a:=1; a+1)

The result of this will be 2.


operator left right description
#> Any List generate a function which reduce a list from the left
<# List Any generate a function which reduce a list from the right
. Fnc Any call function with right as an argument
. List Num access the item of list by index
. List Fnc map list with function
. Num Any evalute right expression left times to generate a List
+ Bool Bool left || right
+ Num Num left + right
+ Str Str string concatenation


~81K SLoC