6 stable releases

1.2.4 May 31, 2024
1.2.2 May 25, 2024
1.1.1 Jan 23, 2024

#645 in Parser implementations

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🎲 Saikoro

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Saikoro is a library for evaluating dice rolls with a syntax similar to the Dice Notation used by many tabletop RPGs with a few (maybe) convenient extras thrown in. Expressions are treated as mathemical expressions where the D or d operator is used for rolling dice, and is a high-priority operator. It also comes with a very (painfully) simple command-line executable implementation.

Code Example

A very basic usage of Saikoro's library would look something like

fn main() {
    if let Ok(roll) = saikoro::evaluate("8d6") {
        println!("Fireball deals {} fire damage", roll.value),

Currently Implemented Features

  • Dice operator for rolling (D/d)
  • Common mathematical operators
    • Addition & Subtraction (+ & -)
    • Multiplication & Division (* & /)
    • Modulo (%)
    • Exponentiation (^)
  • Filtering comparison operators to conditionally remove dice rolls (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=)
  • Individual roll operations returned and able to be individually used, not just final totals
    • Rolls 'removed' by the aforementioned filtering operators do actually get removed from the struct returned, just flagged as removed and not counted toward the total. As such, you can still see what was rolled even if it was 'removed'

Feature Flags


  • Adds functions for calculating statistical information on about the dice which were rolled

Syntax Documentation

Binary Operator Priority

Elements higher in the list are evaluated before those lower in the list

  1. Dice D/d
  2. Exponentiation ^
  3. Multiplicative * / %
  4. Additive + -

Unary + and - are implemented, as well as a unary D/d operator

Unary D/d works the same as a binary D/d with 1 on the left-hand side (i.e. d20 is equivalent to 1d20)

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators will remove elements in the left-hand roll item where the value does not meet the filter critera implied by the operator.
For example: 5d8 > 5 will cause the 5d8 result to only count rolls with a value greater than 5 (eg. if 5d8 would produce {1, 3, 4, 5, 8}), the final total will be 13, as the 1 3 and 4 will be filtered out)

D/d + comparison operator is treated as a ternary operator with the absolute lowest priority (i.e. the comparison operator will consider as its right-hand side, the entirety of the rest of the expression unless parentheses are used)

For example:

// this will produce an error variant at parse-time, as the left-hand side is a constant 6
let result = saikoro::evaluate("6 > 3");

// this will also produce an error variant at parse-time, as after the addition, the `2d6` is a value, not a roll expression
let maybe_unintuitive = saikoro::evaluate("(2d6 + 5) > 9");

Planned Features

  • -H and -L syntax for removing the highest/lowest value of a particular roll
  • A means of applying operators to dice rolls element-wise instead of on simple total (syntax undecided)
  • Common mathematical functions (eg. abs, sin, max, log)
  • Support for custom function definitions for parser to use
  • Macro for buidling fixed expressions at compile-time


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