5 releases (stable)
1.0.3 | Aug 15, 2022 |
1.0.2 | Jul 23, 2022 |
1.0.1 | Jul 7, 2022 |
1.0.0 | Jun 4, 2022 |
0.1.7 | Apr 7, 2022 |
#272 in Debugging
A safe version of ManuallyDrop with various features and options to track undefined behavior when working with ManuallyDrop.
1. easy
use SafeManuallyDrop::ManuallyDrop;
use std::ops::Deref;
fn main() {
ManuallyDrop - Depending on the build flag, a protected version of ManuallyDrop
or an unprotected version of ManuallyDrop with a default trigger.
if ManuallyDrop::is_safe_mode() {
// ManuallyDrop is protected, let's do the standard behavior ManuallyDrop
// but at the end we'll make the undefined behavior ManuallyDrop.
let mut data = ManuallyDrop::new(vec![1, 2, 3, 4]);
println!("data: {:?}", data.deref());
#[allow(unused_unsafe)] // to avoid warning if the always_compatible_stdapi flag is not used (can be removed)
unsafe {
assert_eq!(data.is_next_trig(), false); // VALID
ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut data); // VALID
assert_eq!(data.is_next_trig(), true); // VALID
// <<-- PANIC
thread 'main' panicked at 'Undefined behavior when using
ManuallyDrop(combo_replace_manudropstate), instead of the expected default
state, the current state: DropModeTrig.', src/core/trig/hook.rs:14:5
ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut data); // INVALID, COMBO DROP
}else {
println!("#[0] ManuallyDrop is an alias for AutoSafeManuallyDrop, ");
println!("#[1] ManuallyDrop in the release build has no protection by default,");
println!("#[2] if ManuallyDrop is not protected it will be the same as in std.");
println!("#[3] To run the protected version, use `cargo run --example easy` or ");
println!("`CARGO_PROFILE_RELEASE_DEBUG_ASSERTIONS=\"true\" cargo run --example easy --release`");
println!("Or use concrete types instead of auto (AutoSafeManuallyDrop, AutoSafePanicManuallyDrop, AutoSafeHookManuallyDrop, AutoSafeCounterManuallyDrop, AlwaysSafeManuallyDrop, AlwaysSafePanicManuallyDrop, AlwaysSafeHookManuallyDrop, AlwaysSafeCounterManuallyDrop) specific data types with specific behavior.");
2. EasyStruct
// 1. In production code, it is recommended to use AutoSafe instead of AlwaysSafe,
// this will eliminate unnecessary checks in the release build, but leave
// them in the test build.
// 2. It is generally recommended to use Panic or Abort as a trigger for undefined behavior.
use SafeManuallyDrop::AlwaysSafePanicManuallyDrop as ManuallyDrop;
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct ControlDrop(usize);
// Properly created and validated MyLogicData structure.
struct MyLogicData {
data: ManuallyDrop<ControlDrop>
impl MyLogicData {
/// Exceptional logic. As a result, the original value will always be returned.
pub fn ignore_mylogic_and_getdata(mut self) -> ControlDrop {
// Note that you can only `take` once, any further operation with
// ManuallyDrop will cause a panic.
let data = unsafe {
ManuallyDrop::take(&mut self.data)
// ManuallyDrop::forget analog forget(self).
data logic
impl Drop for MyLogicData {
fn drop(&mut self) {
def logic
println!("MyLogicData, indata: {:?}", self.data);
1. `ManuallyDrop` always requires it to be freed when it is no longer needed.
2. Once `ManuallyDrop` is freed, you will not be able to read data from it
3. You cannot drop `ManuallyDrop` twice.
You can remove the `unsafe` flags if you don't use the `always_compatible_stdapi` flag.
unsafe {
ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.data);
fn main() {
// run my logic
let indata = MyLogicData::default();
// This case will just make the logic default by executing the code in drop.
// ignore_mylogic
let indata = MyLogicData::default();
let cd_data = indata.ignore_mylogic_and_getdata();
println!("ignore_mylogic: {:?}", cd_data);
// In this case, the standard reset logic is eliminated and another
// specific principle is used, which is embedded in the function with data return.
3. hook
use std::ops::Deref;
// For better performance, we recommend using AutoSafeHookManuallyDrop instead
// of AlwaysSafeHookManuallyDrop. The AutoSafeHookManuallyDrop type depends on
// the type of build, debug or release will be with the safe or insecure version
// of ManuallyDrop.
use SafeManuallyDrop::AlwaysSafeHookManuallyDrop as ManuallyDrop;
fn main() {
unsafe {
ManuallyDrop::set_hook(|args| {
println!("!!!{:?}", args);
for _ in 0..3 {
let mut data = ManuallyDrop::new(vec![1, 2, 3, 4]);
println!("data: {:?}", data.deref());
#[allow(unused_unsafe)] // to avoid warning if the always_compatible_stdapi flag is not used (can be removed)
unsafe {
assert_eq!(data.is_next_trig(), false); // VALID
ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut data); // VALID
assert_eq!(data.is_next_trig(), true); // VALID
// <<-- HOOK
ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut data); // INVALID, COMBO DROP
4. counter
// Let me remind you that CounterManuallyDrop by behavior allows undefined
// behavior in the same way as ManuallyDrop, but, unlike ManuallyDrop,
// Counter keeps a counter of the number of undefined behavior triggers.
// !!!!
// CounterManuallyDrop is experimental and changes the behavior of
// the trigger trait for all types.
#[cfg(feature = "support_count_trig")]
use SafeManuallyDrop::AutoSafeCounterManuallyDrop as ManuallyDrop;
#[cfg(not(feature = "support_count_trig"))]
use SafeManuallyDrop::ManuallyDrop;
use std::ops::Deref;
fn main() {
#[cfg(not(feature = "support_count_trig"))] {
println!("To run the example, a build with feature: support_count_trig is required,");
println!("exp: cargo run --example counter --all-features");
let mut data = ManuallyDrop::new(&[1, 2, 3, 4]);
println!("data: {:?}", data.deref());
#[allow(unused_unsafe)] // feature !always_compatible_stdapi
unsafe {
assert_eq!(data.is_next_trig(), false); // VALID, triggers never fired
// =================
// !!! ATTENTION !!!
// =================
// Procedure:
// 1. Free up memory and try to read it
// 2. Re-free memory
ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut data); // VALID
assert_eq!(data.is_next_trig(), true); // VALID, counter trigger worked.
ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut data); // <<-- INVALID BEH, COUNTER += 1 (=1), COMBO DROP
// !!! Reading an already freed value
println!("data: {:?}", &data); // <<-- INVALID BEH, COUNTER += 1 (=2)
#[allow(unused_unsafe)] // to avoid warning if the always_compatible_stdapi flag is not used (can be removed)
let _data2 = unsafe { // <<-- INVALID BEH, COUNTER += 1 (=3)
// !!! Trying to get the freed value
ManuallyDrop::take(&mut data)
#[cfg(feature = "support_count_trig")]
assert_eq!(ManuallyDrop::get_count_trig_events(), 3); // <-- The number of times the undefined behavior was triggered.
1. PlugAndPlay (Minimal, Panic)
version = "1.0.3"
default-features = false
features = [
2. PlugAndPlay (Minimal, Abort)
version = "1.0.3"
default-features = false
features = [
3. PlugAndPlay (Minimal, Hook)
version = "1.0.3"
default-features = false
features = [
cargo.toml -> features
// Flags:
// ManuallyDrop and AutoManuallyDrop are always type safe and are automatically
// checked on use if the debug_assertions flag is enabled (the flag is automatically
// enabled if test build, debug build, or env: CARGO_PROFILE_RELEASE_DEBUG_ASSERTIONS=true).
// (Also, AlwaysSafeManuallyDrop is always checked for safety when it is used, regardless of the flags.)
// ManuallyDrop and AutoManuallyDrop are always checked when used,
// regardless of external flags.
// (Also, AlwaysSafeManuallyDrop is always checked for safety when it is used, regardless of the flags.)
// Enable additional internal checks of the SafeManuallyDrop library when
// the debug_assertions flag is enabled (does not depend on the always_check_in_case_debug_assertions
// and always_safe_manuallydrop options). This flag type only applies to internal
// library function checks, it is independent of ManuallyDrop and its valid or invalid usage.
// "allow_fullinternal_debug_assertions",
# Preserve unsafe fn flags even if functions are safe
# (may be required for additional compatibility with the standard API)
// Always create a modular table of library flags used in the build.
// (crate::core::flags)
// Trigs:
// Ability to determine if an empty loop trigger has been executed.
// Support for PanicManuallyDrop, in case of undefined behavior
// of ManuallyDrop there will be a panic.
// Support for AbortManuallyDrop, in case of undefined behavior
// of ManuallyDrop there will be a abort. (Note that this feature requires std.)
// HookManuallyDrop support, in case of undefined HookManuallyDrop behavior,
// the hook function will be called.
// Support for CounterManuallyDrop, in case of undefined behavior,
// CounterManuallyDrop will add +1 to the counter.
// The behavior for the simple AutoSafeManuallyDrop/AlwaysSafeManuallyDrop/ManuallyDrop type will always
// cause a panic in case of undefined behavior.
// The behavior for the simple AutoSafeManuallyDrop/AlwaysSafeManuallyDrop/ManuallyDrop type will always
// cause a abort in case of undefined behavior.
// The behavior for the simple AutoSafeManuallyDrop/AlwaysSafeManuallyDrop/ManuallyDrop type will always
// call the hook function in case of undefined behavior.
// The behavior for the simple AutoSafeManuallyDrop/AlwaysSafeManuallyDrop/ManuallyDrop type will always call
// the +1 counter function in case of undefined behavior.
// The behavior for the simple type AutoSafeManuallyDrop/AlwaysSafeManuallyDrop/ManuallyDrop will always call
// the eternal loop function in case of undefined behavior.
Copyright 2022 #UlinProject Denis Kotlyarov (Денис Котляров)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
No runtime deps
- allow_fullinternal_debug_assertions
- always_build_flagstable
- always_check_in_case_debug_assertions
- always_compatible_stdapi
- always_deftrig_abort
- always_deftrig_count
- always_deftrig_hookfn
- always_deftrig_loop
- always_deftrig_panic
- always_safe_manuallydrop
- support_abort_trig
- support_count_trig
- support_hookfn_trig
- support_istrig_loop
- support_panic_trig