66 releases (33 stable)
Uses old Rust 2015
3.11.0 | Mar 5, 2024 |
3.10.0 | Jan 5, 2022 |
3.9.0 | Dec 14, 2020 |
3.8.1 | Oct 26, 2020 |
0.2.3 | Dec 30, 2014 |
#35 in Text editors
95 downloads per month
A command line tool that creates tags - for source code navigation by using ctags - for a cargo project, all of its direct and indirect dependencies and the rust standard library.
- ctags installed, needs a version with the
On a linux system the package is most likely called exuberant-ctags
Otherwise you can get the sources directly from here or use the newer and alternative universal-ctags.
Only universal-ctags
will add tags for struct fields and enum variants.
$ cargo install rusty-tags
The build binary will be located at ~/.cargo/bin/rusty-tags
Just calling rusty-tags vi
or rusty-tags emacs
anywhere inside
of the cargo project should just work.
After its run a rusty-tags.vi / rusty-tags.emacs
file should be beside of the
Additionally every dependency gets a tags file at its source directory, so jumping further to its dependencies is possible.
Rust Standard Library Support
Tags for the standard library are created if the rust source is supplied by
defining the environment variable RUST_SRC_PATH
These tags aren't automatically added to the tags of the cargo project and have
to be added manually with the path $RUST_SRC_PATH/rusty-tags.vi
If you're using rustup you can get the rust source of the currently used compiler version by calling:
$ rustup component add rust-src
And then setting RUST_SRC_PATH
inside of e.g. ~/.bashrc
For rustc >= 1.47.0
$ export RUST_SRC_PATH=$(rustc --print sysroot)/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/
For rustc < 1.47.0
$ export RUST_SRC_PATH=$(rustc --print sysroot)/lib/rustlib/src/rust/src/
The current supported configuration at ~/.rusty-tags/config.toml
(defaults displayed):
# the file name used for vi tags
vi_tags = "rusty-tags.vi"
# the file name used for emacs tags
emacs_tags = "rusty-tags.emacs"
# the name or path to the ctags executable, by default executables with names
# are searched in the following order: "ctags", "exuberant-ctags", "exctags", "universal-ctags", "uctags"
ctags_exe = ""
# options given to the ctags executable
ctags_options = ""
Vim Configuration
Put this into your ~/.vimrc
autocmd BufRead *.rs :setlocal tags=./rusty-tags.vi;/
Or if you've supplied the rust source code by defining RUST_SRC_PATH
autocmd BufRead *.rs :setlocal tags=./rusty-tags.vi;/,$RUST_SRC_PATH/rusty-tags.vi
autocmd BufWritePost *.rs :silent! exec "!rusty-tags vi --quiet --start-dir=" . expand('%:p:h') . "&" | redraw!
Emacs Configuration
Install counsel-etags.
Create file .dir-locals.el
in rust project root (please note the line to set counsel-etags-extra-tags-files
is optional):
((nil . ((counsel-etags-update-tags-backend . (lambda (src-dir) (shell-command "rusty-tags emacs")))
(counsel-etags-extra-tags-files . ("~/third-party-lib/rusty-tags.emacs" "$RUST_SRC_PATH/rusty-tags.emacs"))
(counsel-etags-tags-file-name . "rusty-tags.emacs"))))
Use M-x counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point
for code navigation.
will automatically detect and update tags file in project root. So no extra setup is required.
Sublime Configuration
The plugin CTags uses vi style tags, so
calling rusty-tags vi
should work.
By default it expects tag files with the name .tags
, which can be set
in ~/.rusty-tags/config.toml
vi_tags = ".tags"
Or by calling rusty-tags vi --output=".tags"
MacOS Issues
Mac OS users may encounter problems with the execution of ctags
because the shipped version
of this program does not support the recursive flag. See this posting
for how to install a working version with homebrew.
Cygwin/Msys Issues
If you're running Cygwin or Msys under Windows,
you might have to set the environment variable $CARGO_HOME
explicitly. Otherwise you might get errors
when the tags files are moved.
~194K SLoC