1 unstable release
0.0.1 | Nov 11, 2023 |
#11 in #alipay
This create offers:
- A convenient mainstream third-party service client
- Convenient and quick use of corresponding services in rust
- Taobao customer related servicesalipay
- Alipay related servicespdd
- Pinduoduo related servicesjd
- Jingdong related serviceswechat
- Wechat related services
Put the desired version of the crate into the dependencies
section of your Cargo.toml
ruipay = "0.1.0"
With Wechat(微信开放平台、包含微信支付)
use ruipay::{WechatPayClient, SimpleStorage, TradeType, WechatPayRequestV3, Amount, Payer};
use chrono::{Local, SecondsFormat};
async fn main() {
let c = WechatPayClient::new("appid", "secret");
let mut client =c.wxpay();
let date = Local::now().to_rfc3339_opts(SecondsFormat::Secs, false);
let result = client.unified_order_v3(TradeType::Jsapi, WechatPayRequestV3 {
appid: "appid".to_string().into(),
mch_id: "mchid".to_string(),
description: "测试商品支付".to_string(),
out_trade_no: "1602920235sdfsdfas32234234".to_string(),
time_expire: date,
attach: None,
notify_url: "https:xxx.cn/trade/notify".to_string(),
amount: Amount {
total: 1,
currency: String::from("CNY").into(),
payer_total: None,
payer_currency: None
payer: Payer {
openid: "oUVZc6S_uGx3bsNPUA-davo4Dt7Us".to_string()
detail: None,
scene_info: None,
settle_info: None
match result.await {
Ok(res) => {}
Err(err) => {}
With Alipay(支付宝)
use ruipay::{AlipayTradeWapPayRequest, AlipayClient};
async fn main() {
let param = AlipayTradeWapPayRequest::default();
let client = AlipayClient::new("appKey", false);
match client.wap_pay("POST".into(), param).await {
Ok(res) => {}
Err(err) => {}
match result.await {
Ok(res) => {}
Err(err) => {}
With Taobao(淘宝客相关)
use ruipay::{TbItemDetailRequest, TaobaoClient, SimpleStorage};
async fn main() {
let client = TaobaoClient::<SimpleStorage>::new("appkey", "secret");
let req = TbItemDetailRequest {
num_iids: Some("597649283190".to_string()),
platform: None,
ip: None
let result = client.get_item_detail(req);
match result.await {
Ok(res) => {
Err(err) => {
With JD(京东,目前暂时只支持联盟相关)
use ruipay::{JDClient, JdOrderRawQueryParam, SimpleStorage};
use chrono::{Local, SecondsFormat};
async fn main() {
let client = JDClient::<SimpleStorage>::new("appkey", "secert");
let param = JdOrderRawQueryParam {
page_index: 1.into(),
page_size: 10.into(),
bill_type: 1,
start_time: "2022-08-02 21:23:00".to_string(),
end_time: "2022-08-02 21:43:00".to_string(),
child_union_id: None,
key: None,
fields: None
let result = client.query_raw_order(param);
match result.await {
Ok(res) => {
Err(err) => {
With Custom Request
You can implement this trait and then use the custom request
- AlipayRequest - For Alipay(支付宝)
- JDRequest - For jingdong(京东)
- TaobaoRequest - For taobao(淘宝)
We will gradually improve the corresponding API
~778K SLoC