9 stable releases (4 major)

5.2.1 Nov 5, 2022
5.2.0 Nov 4, 2022
4.1.0 Oct 31, 2022
3.0.0 Oct 30, 2022
0.1.0 Oct 25, 2022

#703 in Command-line interface




A rust TUI framework similar to golang's bubbletea. Unlike bubbletea which offers widgets and styling in different packages rubble_tea offers everything in a single package.


A rubble_tea program generally consists of two structures:

  • The event structure is used describe events and should implement the Event trait
  • The model structure is used to store, modify and show the program's data. It should implement the Model trait


The Event trait consists of 2 methods:

fn from_system_event(se: SystemEvent) -> Self;
fn to_system_event(&self) -> Option<SystemEvent>;

from_system_event is used to encode system events. Since system events should always be encoded, this function should always return a valid event. to_system_event is used to decode a system event. Since not all events contain system events this function is allowed to return None. An event should also be cloneable and equatable. It is worth mentioning that the SystemEvent enum implements the Event trait. That means that if a program only wants to handle system events it does not have to create it's own event structure.


An event generally looks like this

#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum MyEvent {

impl Event for MyEvent {
    fn from_system_event(se: SystemEvent) -> Self {
    fn to_system_event(&self) -> Option<SystemEvent> {
        match self {
            MyEvent::Se(x) => Some(x.clone()),
            _ => None,


The Model trait consists of 2 methods:

pub trait Model<E: Event> {
    fn update(&mut self, e: &E) -> Vec<Box<dyn FnOnce() -> E + Send + 'static>>;
    fn view(&self) -> String;

The update method is responsible for modifying the model based on the event that it recives and returning a closure that returns a new event. the view method is responsible for turning the given model to a string. The same string will be displayed.


A model generally looks like this

struct MyModel(i32);
impl Model<SystemEvent> for MyModel {
    fn update(
        &mut self,
        e: &SystemEvent,
    ) -> Vec<Box<dyn FnOnce() -> SystemEvent + Send + 'static>> {
        match e {
            SystemEvent::KeyPress(Key::Char('+')) => self.0 += 1,
            SystemEvent::KeyPress(Key::Char('-')) => self.0 -= 1,
            _ => (),
        if self.0 < 0 || self.0 > 100 {
            vec![Box::new(|| SystemEvent::Quit)]
        } else {
    fn view(&self) -> String {
        if self.0 < 0 || self.0 > 100 {
            "Out of range!".to_string()
        } else {
            format!("{}", self.0)

