Cargo Features

ros2-client has no features set by default.

ros2-client = { version = "0.8.1", features = ["security", "pre-iron-gid"] }

declare the existence of "security" feature (Secure ROS 2 support)

Enables security of rustdds

release setting


The ROS 2/RMW-defined Gid (global identifer) type (see src/ has changed between ROS2 releases Humble and Iron. See These are incompatible and apparently not run-time negotiable/detectable over the wire.

ros2-client now uses the newer Iron/Jazzy/... version as a default. Use this feature to revert back to older version. There is no known easy and reliable way to talk to both Humble and Iron at the same time.

Using a wrong Gid format prevents ROS2 seeing Nodes published by ros2-client so that ros2 node list or rqt Node Graph do not show nodes. Topic communication may still work, but Services likely do not.

Affects gid::GID_LENGTH