#curve #fan #laptop #board #setting #asus #rog


A library and cli for setting fan curves on some asus laptops

12 releases

0.1.11 Aug 22, 2021
0.1.10 Aug 11, 2021
0.1.9 Jul 28, 2021
0.1.8 Feb 25, 2021
0.1.3 Jul 15, 2020

#1562 in Hardware support


350 lines

The acpi_call kernel module is needed for this crate to interacti with acpi.


let mut curve = Curve::new();

curve.set_point(0,  30,   0);
curve.set_point(1,  40,   1);
curve.set_point(2,  50,   4);
curve.set_point(3,  60,   4);
curve.set_point(4,  70,  13);
curve.set_point(5,  80,  40);
curve.set_point(6,  90, 100);
curve.set_point(7, 100, 100);

let board = Board::from_name("GA401IV").unwrap();

curve.apply(board, Fan::Cpu)?;
curve.apply(board, Fan::Gpu)?;

Fan speeds and temperatures

Temperatures are in degrees celcius.

Fan speeds are roughly a percentage fan speed. The scale is non linear and values over 100 seem to result in slightly higher fan speeds. A value of 0 will turn the fan off.

A temperature, speed pair indicates fan speed over a certain temerature, e.g. 40c:10% means the fan will run at 10% speed when the temperature is over 40C.

Config string format

Config strings follow the format


where t is temperature and s is fan speed.

Curves must have exactly 8 pairs. This format should match the one used by atrofac.




Curve implements Serialize and Deserialize to and from the config string format.


In Cargo.toml

rog_fan_curve = { version = "*", features = ["serde"] }
let json = "\"30c:0%,40c:5%,50c:10%,60c:20%,70c:35%,80c:55%,90c:65%,100c:75%\"";

let curve: Curve = serde_json::from_str(json)?;

let new_json = serde_json::to_string(&curve)?;
assert_eq!(json, new_json);

