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chrono DateTime and TimeDelta package for rhai

Quick Start

Developed and tested with rhai v1.17, chrono v0.4.37 and chrono-tz v0.9.


Add to Cargo.toml:

rhai = { version = "^1.15" } # in case you've missed it
rhai-chrono = { version = "^0" }


Include package:

use rhai::Engine;
use rhai_chrono::ChronoPackage;

Register package:

let mut engine = Engine::new();

let package = ChronoPackage::new();
package.register_into_engine(&mut engine);


The package exposes two wrapper types DateTimeFixed (wrapping chrono::DateTime<FixedOffset>) and Timedelta (wrapping chrono::TimeDelta).

Each of the two wrapper types can be initialized in a variety of ways using distinct constructor functions.

Once initialized, the user can call methods and get / set properties on the wrapper.

Certain methods yield output values, either a number, string or boolean.

Many of the methods and properties have aliases or variants for convenience.

All methods and properties follow (but with slight nuance) the way you'd normally use chrono::DateTime and chrono::TimeDelta.

Check the Examples section for more information on practical uses.



All DateTime constructors create a DateTime<FixedOffset> internally. This current limitation is worth noting, when working with timezones.


datetime_utc() | datetime_now(): creates a new DateTime set to current UTC time.

datetime_local(): creates a new DateTime set to current local time.

datetime_unix(i64): creates a new DateTime set to the given UNIX timestamp in seconds.

datetime_millis(i64): creates a new DateTime set to the given UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

datetime_micros(i64): creates a new DateTime set to the given UNIX timestamp in microseconds.

datetime_nanos(i64): creates a new DateTime set to the given UNIX timestamp in nanoseconds.

datetime_rfc2822(String): creates a new DateTime using a valid RFC2822 string.

datetime_rfc3339(String): creates a new DateTime using a valid RFC3339 string.

datetime_parse(timestamp: String, format: String): creates a new DateTime using a custom timestamp and strftime syntax format.


timezone = String: accepts valid IANA timezone name, "local" or valid offset (i.e. "-06:00").

time = String: accepts a %H:%M:%S formatted string.

ordinal = i64: sets the day of the year starting from 1 being Jan 1st.

ordinal0 = i64: sets the day of the year starting from 0 being Jan 1st.

year = i64: sets the year

month = i64: sets the month starting from 1 being Jan.

month0 = i64: sets the month starting from 0 being Jan.

day = i64: sets the day of the month starting from 1 being the 1st.

day0 = i64: sets the day of the month starting from 0 being the 1st.

hour = i64: sets the hour of the day.

minute = i64: sets the minute of the hour.

second = i64: sets the second of the minute.

nanosecond = i64: sets the nanosecond beyond the last complete second.


timezone | offset: returns a string representation of the currently set offset.

time: returns a string representation of the current time segment in %H:%M:%S format.

ordinal: returns an i64 ordinal day of the year starting from 1 being Jan 1st.

ordinal0: returns an i64 ordinal day of the year starting from 0 being Jan 1st.

year: gets the year.

month: gets the month starting from 1 being Jan.

month0: gets the month starting from 0 being Jan.

day: gets the day of the month starting from 1 being the 1st.

day0: gets the day of the month starting from 0 being the 1st.

hour: gets the hour of the day.

minute: gets the minute of the hour.

second: gets the second of the minute.

nanosecond: gets the nanosecond beyond the last complete second.


to_string() | to_rfc3339(): returns a `string`` in RFC3339 format.

to_rfc2822(): returns a string in RFC2822 format.

timestamp(): returns an i64 UNIX timestamp.

timestamp_millis(): returns an i64 UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

timestamp_micros(): returns an i64 UNIX timestamp in microseconds.

timestamp_nanos(): returns an i64 UNIX timestamp in nanoseconds or an out-of-range error.

timestamp_subsec_millis(): returns an i64 amount of milliseconds beyond the last complete second.

timestamp_subsec_micros(): returns an i64 amount of microseconds beyond the last complete second.

timestamp_subsec_nanos(): returns an i64 amount of nanoseconds beyond the last complete second.

years_since(Optional DateTimeFixed): returns a SIGNED i64 number of years difference. If first parameter is not supplied, current local time is used for comparison.

format(format: String, Optional locale: String): returns a custom formatted timestamp. Format parameter must be in strftime syntax format. Optionally, the user can supply a valid locale name as string.

timezone(String) | set_timezone(String) | with_timezone(String): sets the offset based on a valid IANA timezone name, "local" or valid offset (i.e. "-06:00").

timezone() | offset() | get_timezone() | get_offset(): returns a string representation of the currently set offset.

time(String) | set_time(String) | with_time(String): sets the time segment using a %H:%M:%S formatted string.

time() | get_time(): returns a string representation of the current time segment in %H:%M:%S format.

ordinal(i64) | set_ordinal(i64) | with_ordinal(i64): sets the day of the year starting from 1 being Jan 1st.

ordinal() | get_ordinal(): returns an i64 ordinal day of the year starting from 1 being Jan 1st.

ordinal0(i64) | set_ordinal0(i64) | with_ordinal0(i64): sets the day of the year starting from 0 being Jan 1st.

ordinal0() | get_ordinal0(): returns an i64 ordinal day of the year starting from 0 being Jan 1st.

year(i64) | set_year(i64) | with_year(i64): sets the year.

year() | get_year(): gets the year.

month(i64) | set_month(i64) | with_month(i64): sets the month starting from 1 being Jan.

month() | get_month(): gets the month starting from 1 being Jan.

month0(i64) | set_month0(i64) | with_month0(i64): sets the month starting from 1 being Jan.

month0() | get_month0(): gets the month starting from 1 being Jan.

day(i64) | set_day(i64) | with_day(i64): sets the day of the month starting from 1 being the 1st.

day() | get_day(): gets the day of the month starting from 1 being the 1st.

day0(i64) | set_day0(i64) | with_day0(i64): sets the day of the month starting from 0 being 1st.

day0() | get_day0(): gets the day of the month starting from 0 being 1st.

hour(i64) | set_hour(i64) | with_hour(i64): sets the hour of the day.

hour() | get_hour(): gets the hour of the day.

minute(i64) | set_minute(i64) | with_minute(i64): sets the minute of the hour.

minute() | get_minute(): gets the minute of the hour.

second(i64) | set_second(i64) | with_second(i64): sets the second of the minute.

second() | get_second(): gets the second of the minute.

nanosecond(i64) | set_nanosecond(i64) | with_nanosecond(i64): sets the nanosecond beyond the last complete second.

nanosecond() | get_nanosecond(): gets the nanosecond beyond the last complete second.

add_days(i64) | plus_days(i64): adds a given number of days to the DateTime.

sub_days(i64) | minus_days(i64): subtracts a given number of days to the DateTime.

add_months(i64) | plus_months(i64): adds a given number of months to the DateTime.

sub_months(i64) | minus_months(i64): subtracts a given number of months to the DateTime.

add_timedelta(Timedelta) | plus_timedelta(Timedelta): adds a Timedelta to the DateTime.

sub_timedelta(Timedelta) | minus_timedelta(Timedelta): subtracts a Timedelta from the DateTime.

diff(DateTimeFixed) | cmp(DateTimeFixed) | compare(DateTimeFixed) | duration_since(DateTimeFixed) | signed_duration_since(DateTimeFixed): calculates the difference between two DateTimeFixed instances and returns a Timedelta.


A Timedelta can be constructed by comparing two DateTimeFixed instances or with one of the following constructors.


timedelta() | timedelta_zero(): creates an empty Timedelta instance.

timedelta_min(): creates the smallest possible Timedelta.

timedelta_max(): creates the largest possible Timedelta.

timedelta_seconds(i64, optional i64): creates a Timedelta with a number of seconds and an optional nanoseconds segment.

timedelta_days(i64): creates a Timedelta with number of days. Equivalent to days * 86400 seconds.

timedelta_weeks(i64): creates a Timedelta with number of weeks. Equivalent to weeks * 7 * 86400 seconds.

timedelta_hours(i64): creates a Timedelta with a number of hours. Equivalent to hours * 3600 seconds.

timedelta_minutes(i64): creates a Timedelta with a number of minutes. Equivalent to minutes * 60 seconds.

timedelta_millis(i64) | timedelta_milliseconds(i64): creates a milliseconds Timedelta. 1000 milliseconds being 1 second.

timedelta_micros(i64) | timedelta_microseconds(i64): creates a microseconds Timedelta. 1 000 000 microseconds being 1 second.

timedelta_nanos(i64) | timedelta_nanoseconds(i64): creates a nanoseconds Timedelta. 1 000 000 000 nanoseconds being 1 second.


Setters don't make much sense. Nor do they exist in the original chrono::TimeDelta. To add/subtract from a timedelta, use other timedeltas and the add() / sub() method.


is_zero: returns true if Timedelta is exactly 0.

seconds: returns the number of seconds in the Timedelta.

minutes: returns the number of minutes in the Timedelta.

hours: returns the number of hours in the Timedelta.

days: returns the number of days in the Timedelta.

weeks: returns the number of weeks in the Timedelta.

subsec_nanos: returns the number of nanoseconds beyond the last complete second.

milliseconds: returns the number of milliseconds in the Timedelta.

microseconds: returns the number of microseconds in the Timedelta or an out-of-range error.

nanoseconds: returns the number of nanoseconds in the Timedelta or an out-of-range error.


is_zero(): returns true if Timedelta is exactly 0.

abs(): makes sure the Timedelta is positive.

add(Timedelta) | plus(Timedelta): adds a Timedelta to the current one.

sub(Timedelta) | minus(Timedelta): subtracts a Timedelta from the current one.

seconds() | get_seconds(): returns the number of seconds in the Timedelta.

minutes() | get_minutes(): returns the number of minutes in the Timedelta.

hours() | get_hours(): returns the number of hours in the Timedelta.

days() | get_days(): returns the number of days in the Timedelta.

weeks() | get_weeks(): returns the number of weeks in the Timedelta.

subsec_nanos() | get_subsec_nanos(): returns the number of nanoseconds beyond the last complete second.

milliseconds() | get_milliseconds(): returns the number of milliseconds in the Timedelta.

microseconds() | get_microseconds(): returns the number of microseconds in the Timedelta or an out-of-range error.

nanoseconds() | get_nanoseconds(): returns the number of nanoseconds in the Timedelta or an out-of-range error.


Creating a DateTimeFixed instance and playing around with it.

let dt = datetime_rfc3339("1989-08-09T09:30:11+00:00"); 

let timestamp = dt.timestamp();     // 618658211
let rfc2822_str = dt.to_rfc2822();  // Wed, 9 Aug 1989 09:30:11 +0000

let dt_mysql = datetime_parse("1989-08-09 09:30:11", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");

let diff = dt.diff(dt_mysql);       // Timedelta

let seconds_diff = diff.seconds;    // 0


let rfc2822_str2 = dt.to_rfc2822(); // Wed, 9 Aug 1989 03:30:11 -0600

let offset = dt.timezone();         // -06:00


let time = dt.time;                 // 12:15:00

Creating a Timedelta instance and adding to it.

let td = timedelta_days(9);

let seconds = td.seconds;           // 9 * 86400 + 8 * 3600 + 7

Putting it all together:

let token_created = datetime_utc(); // now in UTC
token_created.add_timedelta(timedelta_weeks(4)); // +4 weeks

let token_expires_timestamp = token_created.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");

// or instead of adding a timedelta we could use the internals of DateTime itself

let token_created = datetime_utc(); // now in UTC
token_created.add_months(1); // +1 month

let token_expires_timestamp = token_created.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");


This library (rhai-chrono) is open sourced under the BSD 2 License.


~149K SLoC