#http-request #request #share #http


Core lib for tools to store, share and run http request templates easily

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 29, 2021

#60 in #share

Used in requestr-cli

Custom license

179 lines


Store, share and run http request templates easily


Install the cli tool with cargo install requestr.


Request Configuration

requestr uses request configuration to make HTTP requests. In the request template you can store following:

  • url
  • method
  • headers
  • body

If you want to send a json to an endpoint you would setup following config. The config is stored in a yaml file.

url: https://your.host.com/api/user
method: post
  Content-Type: application/json
  Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== 
body: |
    "name": "Stefan",
    "id": 1001

If you store this in ./request.yaml, you can make a request with requestr request.yaml

Request Config Template

To increase reusability of the request configuration you can use template variables. We can use {{ variable_name }} to insert variables into the request config.

Using the above example it would be great if we could provide the name and the id from the cli. The modified config would look like:

url: https://your.host.com/api/user
method: post
  Content-Type: application/json
  Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== 
body: |
    "name": "{{ user_name }}",
    "id": {{ user_id }}

We can now provide user_name and user_id from the cli: requestr request.yaml -p user_name=Stefan -p user_id=42

Environment config

For a lot of requests we want to share common template variables for different environments. One example could be different credentials and hosts for your test and production environment. To cope with this it is possible to create a yaml file per environment.

We modify the above example and add variables for the host and the Authorization.


url: https://{{ host }}/api/user
method: post
  Content-Type: application/json
  Authorization: Basic {{ auth }}
body: |
    "name": "{{ user_name }}",
    "id": {{ user_id }}

To switch quickly between test and prod we can create following environment configs.


host: test-api.com
auth: 11111111111111111111111111==


host: api.com
auth: 22222222222222222222222222==

To use one of those files you can run requestr request.yaml --env test.yaml -p user_name=Stefan -p user_id=42


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