8 releases
0.4.0 | Sep 5, 2021 |
0.3.3 | Jun 24, 2021 |
0.3.2 | Mar 19, 2021 |
0.3.1 | Feb 20, 2021 |
0.2.3 | Jan 9, 2021 |
#2708 in Command line utilities

- Command line tool to download saved/upvoted media from Reddit
- Supports:
- Reddit: PNG/JPG images, GIFs, Image galleries, videos
- Giphy: GIFs
- Imgur: Direct images and GIFVs
- Gfycat/Redgifs: GIFs
- GIF/GIFV from Imgur/Gfycat/Redgifs are downloaded as mp4
- Does not support downloading images from Imgur post links
To download videos hosted by Reddit, you need to have ffmpeg installed. Follow this link for installation instructions.
Recommended method
You can download release binaries here
Alternative methods
Using MacPorts
If you are a macports user on macOS, you can install reddsaver using port
sudo port selfudpate
sudo port install reddsaver
Using Homebrew
If you are a homebrew user on macOS, you can install using brew tap
brew tap manojkarthick/reddsaver
brew install reddsaver
Arch Linux
If you are an ArchLinux user, then you can use a tool like yay
or paru
to install it from the AUR:
yay -S reddsaver
Using cargo
If you already have Rust installed, you can also install using cargo
cargo install reddsaver
Using nix
If you are a nix user, you can install reddsaver from nixpkgs
nix-env --install reddsaver
or, if you manage your installation using home-manager, add to your home.packages
home.packages = [
Building and running from source
Make sure you have rustc v1.50.0
and cargo installed on your machine.
git clone https://github.com/manojkarthick/reddsaver.git
cargo build --release
Docker support
Pre-built docker images are available on Docker Hub
mkdir -pv data/
docker run --rm \
--volume="$PWD/data:/app/data" \
--volume="$PWD/reddsaver.env:/app/reddsaver.env" \
manojkarthick/reddsaver:latest -d /app/data -e /app/reddsaver.env
- Create a new script application at https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps
- Click on create an app at the bottom of the page
- Input a name for your application, for example: -reddsaver
- Choose "script" as the type of application
- Set "http://localhost:8080" or any other URL for the redirect url
- Click on "create app" - you should now see the application has been created
- Under your application name, you should see a random string - that is your client ID
- The random string next to the field "secret" is your client secret
- Copy the client ID and client secret information returned
- Create a .env file with the following keys, for example
NOTE: If you have 2FA enabled, please make sure you set PASSWORD=<password>:<2FA_TOTP_token>
- Run the app!
# Create a directory to save your images to
mkdir -pv reddsaver/
# Check if you installation is working properly
reddsaver --help
# Check if the right configuration has been picked up
# NOTE: In case the `USERNAME` variable is being overriden by
# your system username, please use
# On Linux/Mac - unset USERNAME
# On Windows - set USERNAME=
# before running to temporarily remove the system username
# from your environment
reddsaver -e reddsaver.env -d reddsaver --show-config
# Run the app to download the saved media
reddsaver -e reddsaver.env -d reddsaver
# Also allows you to download upvoted media
reddsaver -e reddsaver.env -d reddsaver --upvoted
NOTE: When running the application beyond the first time, if you use the directory as the initial run, the application will skip downloading the images that have already been downloaded.
View it in action here:
Description and command line arguments
Optionally override the values for the directory to save and the env file to read from:
ReddSaver 0.4.0
Manoj Karthick Selva Kumar
Simple CLI tool to download saved media from Reddit
reddsaver [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-r, --dry-run Dry run and print the URLs of saved media to download
-h, --help Prints help information
-H, --human-readable Use human readable names for files
-s, --show-config Show the current config being used
-U, --undo Unsave or remote upvote for post after processing
-u, --upvoted Download media from upvoted posts
-V, --version Prints version information
-d, --data-dir <DATA_DIR> Directory to save the media to [default: data]
-e, --from-env <ENV_FILE> Set a custom .env style file with secrets [default: .env]
-S, --subreddits <SUBREDDITS>... Download media from these subreddits only
Some points to note:
- By default, reddsaver generates filenames for the images using a MD5 Hash of the URLs. You can instead generate human readable names using the
flag. - You can check the configuration used by ReddSaver by using the
Other Information
Building for Raspberry Pi Zero W
To cross-compile for raspberry pi, this project uses rust-cross. Make sure you have docker installed on your development machine.
- Build the docker image for rust-cross:
docker build -t rust-rpi-zerow:v1-openssl -f Dockerfile.raspberrypizerow .
- Make sure that the image name used here matches the image name in your
configuration - Run
cross build --target arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi --release
to build the project - You can find the compiled binary under
~469K SLoC