Cargo Features

ratatui-core has no features set by default.

ratatui-core = { version = "0.1.0-alpha.3", features = ["anstyle", "palette", "underline-color", "scrolling-regions", "serde", "document-features"] }

enables conversions to / from colors, modifiers, and styles in the ['anstyle'] crate

Enables anstyle


enables conversions from colors in the palette crate to Color.

Enables palette


enables the backend code that sets the underline color. Underline color is only supported by the Crossterm backend, and is not supported on Windows 7.

Affects cell::Cell.underline_color, style::Style.underline_color


Use terminal scrolling regions to make some operations less prone to flickering. (i.e. Terminal::insert_before).

Affects backend::Backend.scroll_region_up, backend::Backend.scroll_region_down


enables serialization and deserialization of style and color types using the serde crate. This is useful if you want to save themes to a file.

Enables serde, serde of bitflags and compact_str ^0.8.0

Features from optional dependencies

document-features implicit feature

Enables document-features


Extract documentation for the feature flags from comments in Cargo.toml