#genetic #evolution #artificial #search #learning #neural-network


Extensions for radiate. Genetic Programming implementations for graphs (neural networks) and trees

1 unstable release

new 0.0.1 Jan 9, 2025

#18 in #artificial

MIT license



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For more details check radiate's website or cargo docs.

Radiate is a powerful Rust library designed for implementing genetic algorithms and artificial evolution techniques. It provides a fast and flexible framework for creating, evolving, and optimizing solutions to complex problems using principles inspired by natural selection and genetics. With an intuitive, 'plug and play' style API, Radiate allows you to quickly test a multitude of evolutionary strategies and configurations.

  • Traditional genetic algorithm implementation.
  • Single & Multi-objective optimization support.
  • Neuroevolution (graph-based representation - evolving neural networks) support. Simmilar to NEAT.
  • Genetic programming support (tree-based representation)
  • Built-in support for parallelism.
  • Extensive selection, crossover, and mutation operators with the ability to create custom ones.


~18K SLoC