ra_ap_parser is used at run time in 74 crates (of which 1 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 9 crates. It's used at build time in 54 crates (). It's used only as a dev dependency in 1 crate.

Number of dependers ra_ap_parser version Downloads/month
24 0.0.269 0
2 0.0.268 1.8K
1 0.0.267 1.8K
3 0.0.266 5.9K
3 0.0.264 750
2 0.0.262 0
2 0.0.250 3.2K
1 0.0.248 140
63 0.0.237 900
1 0.0.228 1.0K
1 0.0.211 0
4 0.0.190 0
3 0.0.180 1.8K
5 0.0.164 25
1 0.0.159 20
0 0.0.145 32K
2 0.0.131 4
1 0.0.104 28
2 0.0.77 0
3 0.0.59 0
2 0.0.45 8
3 0.0.30 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) ra_ap_parser version
50K 37 ra_ap_syntax =0.0.269
42K 5 ra_ap_hir_expand =0.0.269
42K 15 ra_ap_ide_db =0.0.269
42K 2 ra_ap_mbe =0.0.269
33K 2 ra_ap_ide_ssr =0.0.269
12K 3 ra_ap_syntax-bridge =0.0.269
900 2 ra_ap_rust-analyzer =0.0.269
140 1 rem-extract ^0.0.262
120 bon-cli =0.0.268