Pythonize is used at run time in 30 crates (of which 12 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 26 crates.

Number of dependers Pythonize version Downloads/month
6 0.23.0 43K
1 0.22.0 9.3K
4 0.21.1 62K
7 0.20.0 8.0K
1 0.19.0 1.1K
4 0.18.0 1.0K
3 0.17.0 1.3K
4 0.14.0 290
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Pythonize version
1.4K angreal ^0.18.0
1.2K 2 python-ast ^0.21
3.5K 1 madato optional ^0.21.1
850 hydro_cli ^0.20.0
550 numcodecs-python ^0.23
500 perspective-python ^0.21.1
1.8K 1 tket-json-rs optional ^0.23.0
220 aoe2rec-py ^0.23.0
170 1 solders-account-decoder ^0.20.0
solders ^0.18.0
puff-rs ^0.17.0
pime ^0.14.0
solders-transaction-status ^0.19.0
spvn_lifespan ^0.18.0
bitcoinquery ^0.14.0
bitcoin-query ^0.14.0
1 docker-pyo3 ^0.18.0
anchorpy_core ^0.17.0
330 lavalink-rs optional ^0.23
280 1 dora-runtime optional ^0.22
140 5 stac-api optional ^0.23.0
ast-grep-py optional ^0.23.0
ast-grep-pyo3 optional ^0.20.0
1 cmod-core optional ^0.20
1 lenna_core optional ^0.14.0
2 thot-core optional ^0.17