#volume #pod #mount #shell #kubernetes #inspect #sshfs

app pv_inspect

Mount a Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim volume on a new pod, shell into it, and mount it via SSHFS

1 unstable release

new 0.1.4 Feb 26, 2025

#1155 in Development tools


386 lines


Small utility to "shell into" a Kubernetes volume and mount it locally if desired.

This allows easily inspecting or accessing volumes, even when they are not already mounted.

This works by automatically:

  • Creating a new pod with the volume attached.
  • Opening a shell into the pod.
  • Optionally mounting the volume locally via SSHFS, after port forwarding on an OpenSSH server running on the pod.
  • Deleting the pod when the tool is exited.


See the packages on the releases page.

Alternatively, compile with cargo:

$ cargo install --git https://github.com/cpg314/pv_inspect


Mount a PVC on a new pod, shell into it, and mount it (via SSHFS) if desired

Usage: pv_inspect [OPTIONS] [NAME]

  [NAME]  Name of the PVC to inspect. If not provided, a list will be shown.

  -n, --namespace <NAMESPACE>    [default: default]
  -m, --mountpoint <MOUNTPOINT>
      --rw                       Mount the volume in read/write mode rather than read only
      --nowait                   Do not wait until the pod has been deleted
      --cleanup                    Cleanup stale pv_inspect pods and exit
      --cleanup-min <CLEANUP_MIN>  Age in minutes to cleanup pods [default: 240]
  -h, --help                     Print help
  -V, --version                  Print version

For example:

$ pv_inspect -n mynamespace --rw mypvc
$ # Mount locally
$ pv_inspect -n mynamespace --rw -m ~/mounts/volume mypvc

As a k9s plugin

If you use the k9s Kubernetes TUI, you can install pv_inspect as a plugin by editing your plugins configuration (see the output of k9s info) as follows:

    shortCut: p
    description: pv_inspect
      - pvc
    command: pv_inspect
      - -n
      - $NAMESPACE
      - $NAME

When viewing PersistentVolumeClaims, the p key (or any other you might choose) will launch pv_inspect:

k9s screenshot


The --cleanup command allows delete pv_inspect dangling pods, due to the client aborting before deletion. It can also be executed on the cluster as a cronjob, see cleanup_job.yaml.


  • rsync-style subcommand.


~1M SLoC