3 releases
0.1.2 | Dec 16, 2023 |
0.1.1 | Dec 13, 2023 |
0.1.0 | Dec 13, 2023 |
#139 in Simulation
Used in ptnet-elementary
801 lines
Crate ptnet-core
This crate provides the core types and traits for modeling and simulating Place/Transition nets.
Version 0.1.2
- Refactor: separate traits that inspect nets and simulations;
- add: add new
module for formatting /point-in-time/ views, - add: implementation of
(``NetMatrixFormatter`) that outputs an arc matrix, - add: add new
module for continuous monitoring of simulations. - add: implementation of
) that outputs a runtime matrix of place values and transition states.
- add: add new
- Fix: changed mutability on some trait methods, added
in some places to allow for sharing of nets across different simulations for example.
Version 0.1.1
- Build: configure Github Actions.
Version 0.1.0
- Initial release.
This module provides a set of traits for modeling and analyzing various forms of place/transition or Petri nets.
A Petri net is a graphical and mathematical modeling tool. The concept of Petri nets has its origin in Carl Adam Petri's dissertation "Kommunikation mit Automaten", submitted in 1962 to the faculty of Mathematics and Physics at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany.
Petri nets are a well-used tool for describing and studying systems that are characterized as being concurrent, asynchronous, distributed, parallel, nondeterministic, and/or stochastic. As a graphical tool, Petri nets can be used as a visual-communication aid similar to flow charts, block diagrams, and networks. In addition, tokens are used in these nets to simulate the dynamic and concurrent activities of systems. As a mathematical tool, it is possible to set up state equations, algebraic equations, and other mathematical models governing the behavior of systems.
A Net \(N\) consists of a tuple of places (the set \(P\)), transitions (the set \(T\)), and arcs (the set \(A\)) that connect them. Note that arcs are historically known as flow relations and the set is named \(F\).
$$\tag{Net} N = \left\langle P,T,A \right\rangle$$
The sets of places \(P\) and transitions \(T\) are disjoint.
$$ P \cap T = \emptyset$$
Arcs are a directed connection between a place/transition pair. We will use the notation \(\overset{a}{\leftarrow}\) for the source end and \(\overset{a}{\rightarrow}\) for the target end of an arc \(a\).
$$\tag{Net Arc} A = \left(P \times T \right) \cup \left(T \times P \right)$$
Input arcs connect a source place to a target transition.
$$\tag{Input Arc} a_{in} = \left \{ a \in A | \overset{a}{\rightarrow} \in T \right \}$$ $$ a_{in}(t) = \left \{ a \in A | \overset{a}{\rightarrow} = t \right \}$$
The set of input places for a transition \(t\) is called its preset or \({}^{\bullet}t\).
$$\tag{Preset} {}^{\bullet}t = \left \{ p \in P | A(p,t) \right \}$$
Output arcs connect a source transition to a target place.
$$\tag{Output Arc} a_{out} = \left \{ a \in A | \overset{a}{\leftarrow} \in T \right \}$$ $$ a_{out}(t) = \left \{ a \in A | \overset{a}{\leftarrow} = t \right \}$$
The set of output places for a transition \(t\) is called its postset or \(t^{\bullet}\).
$$\tag{Postset} t^{\bullet} = \left \{ p \in P | A(t,p) \right \}$$
Places can contain tokens; the current state of the modeled system (termed the marking function \(M\)) is given by the number of tokens in each place.
$$\tag{Marking Function} M: P \mapsto \mathbb{N}$$
The initial marking of a net is noted as \(M_{im}\) or more commonly \(M_0\). A marked net extends the Net tuple with a particular marking \(M\).
$$\tag{Marked Net} N = \left\langle P,T,A,M \right\rangle$$
Transitions are active components. They model activities which can occur (the transition fires), thus changing the state of the system (the marking of the Petri net). Transitions are only allowed to fire if they are enabled, which means that all the preconditions for the activity must be fulfilled, i.e. there are enough tokens available in the input places. For this check we use the undefined function \(min\) which can only be defined as we define the type of tokens later.
$$\tag{Enabled Function} enabled\left(t \in T \right) = \forall p \in {}^{\bullet}t: min(A(p,t))$$
A net \(N\) is therefore enabled iff any transition in \(N\) is enabled.
$$enabled\left(N\right) \iff \exists t \in T: enabled\left(t\right)$$
When the transition fires, it removes tokens from its input places and adds some at all of its output places. The number of tokens removed or added depends on the cardinality of each arc.
The firing of transitions in the marking \(M_n\) results in the new marking \(M_{n+1}\). The interactive firing of transitions in subsequent markings is called the token game.
This is a high-level classification of Petri Nets originally made by Monika Trompedeller in 1995, and is based on a survey by L. Bernardinello and F. De Cindio from 1992. The classification has not been updated since then and is therefore chiefly of historic interest. The classification is, however, useful for getting a quick overview of the main differences between various kinds of Petri Nets.
- Level 1: nets characterized by places which can represent boolean values (\(\mathbb{B}\)), i.e., a place is marked by at most one unstructured token.
- Condition/Event systems
- Elementary nets
- Level 2: nets characterised by Places which can represent positive integer values (\(\mathbb{N^{+}}\)), i.e., a place is marked by a number of unstructured tokens.
- Place/Transition systems
- (Ordinary) Petri nets
- Free choice systems
- S-Systems
- State Machines
- T-Systems
- Marked Graphs
- Level 3: nets characterised by Places which can represent high-level values, i.e., a place is marked by a multi-set of structured tokens.
- Algebraic Petri nets
- Product nets
- Traditional High-Level nets
- Predicate/Transition Petri nets
- Colored Petri nets
- Well-Formed nets
- Regular nets
Note that the table below uses \(\mathbb{B}\) to represent the set of boolean values \(\left\{ \bot,\top \right \}\).
Name | Abbreviation | Token Type | Arc Weight | Place Capacities | Timed | Stochastic | Level |
Elementary net | EN | \(M(p)\in \mathbb{B}\) | No | No | No | No | 1 |
Petri net | PN | \(M(p)\in \mathbb{N^{+}}\) | Yes | No | No | No | 2 |
Colored Petri net | CPN | \(M(p)\in C\) | Yes | Yes | No | No | 3 |
Instead of extending the Petri net formalism, we can also look at restricting it, and look at particular types of Petri nets, obtained by restricting the syntax in a particular way.
For example Ordinary Petri nets are the nets where all arc weights are 1 and all place capacity is infinite.
$$\tag{PN Restriction} \forall p\in P: K(p) = \infty \land \forall a\in A: W(a) = 1$$
Restricting further, the following types of ordinary Petri nets are commonly used and studied.
In a state machine (SM), every transition has one incoming arc, and one outgoing arc, and all markings have exactly one token. As a consequence, there can not be concurrency, but there can be conflict (i.e. nondeterminism).
$$\tag{SM Restriction} \forall t\in T: |t^{\bullet}|=|{}^{\bullet} t|=1$$
In a marked graph (MG), every place has one incoming arc, and one outgoing arc. This means, that there can not be conflict, but there can be concurrency.
$$\tag{MG Restriction} \forall p\in P: |p^{\bullet}|=|{}^{\bullet} p|=1$$
In a free choice net (FC), every arc from a place to a transition is either the only arc from that place or the only arc to that transition, i.e. there can be both concurrency and conflict, but not at the same time.
$$\tag{FC Restriction} \forall p\in P: (|p^{\bullet}|\leq 1) \vee ({}^{\bullet} (p^{\bullet})=\{p\})$$
A free choice net is an S-system iff its underlying net is an S-net.
$$\tag{S-net} \forall t\in T: |{}^{\bullet}t| \le 1 \land |t^{\bullet}| \le 1$$
A free choice net is a T-system iff its underlying net is a T-net. In a T-System there is never any conflict because there are no (forward) branched places.
$$\tag{T-net} \forall p\in P: | {}^{\bullet}p | \le 1 \land | p^{\bullet} | \le 1$$
Extended free choice (EFC) – a Petri net that can be transformed into an FC.
In an asymmetric choice net (AC), concurrency and conflict (in sum, confusion) may occur, but not symmetrically.
$$\tag{AC Restriction} \forall p_1,p_2\in P: (p_1{}^{\bullet} \cap p_2{}^{\bullet} \neq \emptyset) \to [(p_1{}^{\bullet} \subseteq p_2{}^{\bullet}) \vee (p_2{}^{\bullet} \subseteq p_1{}^{\bullet})]$$