#protein #cheminformatics #smiles #formula #aminoacid


Chemical structure generation for protein sequences as SMILES string

2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Feb 17, 2022
0.1.0 Feb 16, 2022

#324 in Science

MIT license

580 lines

proteinogenic Star me

Chemical structure generation for protein sequences as SMILES string.

Actions Codecov License Source Crate Documentation Changelog GitHub issues

🔌 Usage

This crate builds on top of purr, a crate providing primitives for reading and writing SMILES.

Use the AminoAcid enum to encode the sequence residues, and build a SMILES string with proteinogenic::smiles. For example with divergicin 750:

extern crate proteinogenic;

let s = proteinogenic::smiles(residues)
  .expect("failed to generate SMILES string");

Additional modifications can be carried out by using a Peptide struct to configure the rendering of the peptide. So far, disulfide bonds as well as lanthionine bridges are supported, as well as head-to-tail cyclization. For instance. we can generate the SMILES string of a cyclotide such as kalata B1:

extern crate proteinogenic;


let mut p = proteinogenic::Protein::new(residues);
p.cross_link(proteinogenic::CrossLink::Cystine(5, 19)).unwrap();
p.cross_link(proteinogenic::CrossLink::Cystine(9, 21)).unwrap();
p.cross_link(proteinogenic::CrossLink::Cystine(14, 26)).unwrap();

let s = p.smiles()
  .expect("failed to generate SMILES string");

This SMILES string can be used in conjunction with other cheminformatics toolkits, for instance OpenBabel which can generate a PNG figure:

Skeletal formula of divergicin 750

Note that proteinogenic is not limited to building a SMILES string; it can actually use any purr::walk::Follower implementor to generate an in-memory representation of a protein formula. If your code is already compatible with purr, then you'll be able to use protein sequences quite easily.

extern crate proteinogenic;
extern crate purr;

let residues = sequence.chars()

let mut builder = purr::graph::Builder::new();
proteinogenic::visit(residues, &mut builder);

  .expect("failed to create a graph representation");

The API is not yet stable, and may change to follow changes introduced by purr or to improve the interface ergonomics.

💭 Feedback

⚠️ Issue Tracker

Found a bug ? Have an enhancement request ? Head over to the GitHub issue tracker if you need to report or ask something. If you are filing in on a bug, please include as much information as you can about the issue, and try to recreate the same bug in a simple, easily reproducible situation.

📋 Changelog

This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and provides a changelog in the Keep a Changelog format.

🔍 See Also

If you're a bioinformatician and a Rustacean, you may be interested in these other libraries:

  • uniprot.rs: Rust data structures for the UniProtKB databases.
  • obofoundry.rs: Rust data structures for the OBO Foundry.
  • fastobo: Rust parser and abstract syntax tree for Open Biomedical Ontologies.
  • pubchem.rs: Rust data structures and API client for the PubChem API.

📜 License

This library is provided under the open-source MIT license.

This project was developed by Martin Larralde during his PhD project at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in the Zeller team.
