37 releases
0.9.0 | Dec 18, 2023 |
0.8.0 | May 31, 2019 |
0.7.4 | Aug 22, 2018 |
0.6.12 | Jun 18, 2018 |
0.3.3 | Mar 29, 2018 |
#488 in Algorithms
127 downloads per month
A library for program induction and learning representations.
Implements Bayesian program learning and genetic programming. See the docs for more information.
Install rust and ensure you're up to date (rustup update
In a new or existing project, add the following to your Cargo.toml
programinduction = "0.9"
# many examples also depend on polytype for the tp! and ptp! macros:
polytype = "7.0"
The documentation requires a custom HTML header to include KaTeX for math
support. This isn't supported by cargo doc
, so to build the documentation
you may use:
cargo rustdoc -- --html-in-header rustdoc-include-katex-header.html
Specify a probabilistic context-free grammar (PCFG; see pcfg::Grammar
) and
induce a sentence that matches an example:
use polytype::tp;
use programinduction::pcfg::{task_by_evaluation, Grammar, Rule};
use programinduction::{ECParams, EC};
fn evaluate(name: &str, inps: &[i32]) -> Result<i32, ()> {
match name {
"0" => Ok(0),
"1" => Ok(1),
"plus" => Ok(inps[0] + inps[1]),
_ => unreachable!(),
fn main() {
let g = Grammar::new(
Rule::new("0", tp!(EXPR), 1.0),
Rule::new("1", tp!(EXPR), 1.0),
Rule::new("plus", tp!(@arrow[tp!(EXPR), tp!(EXPR), tp!(EXPR)]), 1.0),
let ec_params = ECParams {
frontier_limit: 1,
search_limit_timeout: None,
search_limit_description_length: Some(8.0),
// task: the number 4
let task = task_by_evaluation(&evaluate, &4, tp!(EXPR));
let frontiers = g.explore(&ec_params, &[task]);
let sol = &frontiers[0].best_solution().unwrap().0;
println!("{}", g.display(sol));
The Exploration-Compression (EC) algorithm iteratively learns a better
representation by finding common structure in induced programs. We can run
the EC algorithm with a polymorphically-typed lambda calculus representation
in a Boolean circuit domain:
use polytype::{ptp, tp};
use programinduction::{domains, lambda, ECParams, EC};
fn main() {
// circuit DSL
let dsl = lambda::Language::uniform(vec![
// NAND takes two bools and returns a bool
("nand", ptp!(@arrow[tp!(bool), tp!(bool), tp!(bool)])),
// parameters
let lambda_params = lambda::CompressionParams::default();
let ec_params = ECParams {
frontier_limit: 1,
search_limit_timeout: Some(std::time::Duration::new(1, 0)),
search_limit_description_length: None,
// randomly sample 250 circuit tasks
let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng();
let tasks = domains::circuits::make_tasks(rng, 250);
// one iteration of EC:
let (new_dsl, _solutions) = dsl.ec(&ec_params, &lambda_params, &tasks);
// print the new concepts it invented, based on common structure:
for (expr, _, _) in &new_dsl.invented {
println!("invented {}", new_dsl.display(expr))
// one of the inventions was "(λ (nand $0 $0))",
// which is the common and useful NOT operation!
You may have noted the above use of domains::circuits
. Some domains are
already implemented for you. Currently, this only consists of circuits and
(you could be the one who does one of these!)
- First-class function evaluation within Rust (and remove lisp interpreters).
- Add task generation function in
- Fallible evaluation (e.g. see how
). - Lazy evaluation.
impl GP for pcfg::Grammar
is not yet complete. - Eta-long sidestepping (so
gets enumerated instead of(λ (f $0))
) - Consolidate lazy/non-lazy evaluation (for ergonomics).
- Permit non-
&'static str
. - Ability to include recursive primitives in
representation. - Faster lambda calculus evaluation (less cloning; bubble up whether beta reduction happened rather than ultimate equality comparison).
- PCFG compression is currently only estimating parameters, not actually learning pieces of programs. An adaptor grammar approach seems like a good direction to go, perhaps minus the Bayesian non-parametrics.
- Add more learning traits (like
) - Add more representations
- Add more domains
~137K SLoC