#citation #bibtex #mdx #parser #biblatex #file-metadata

bin+lib prepyrus

Parsing and writing to MDX files for Chicago author-date citaitons using BibTeX

6 releases

0.2.2 Nov 29, 2024
0.2.1 Nov 26, 2024
0.2.0 Aug 31, 2024
0.1.2 Aug 27, 2024

#1078 in Parser implementations


959 lines


Build status Current crates.io release

Prepyrus is a tool for verifying and processing MDX files that contain citations in Chicago author-date style and certain metadata.

⚠️ This tool is still in early development and API may frequently change.


Add the crate to your Cargo.toml and use it as shown below:

prepyrus = "0.2"

Main API interface is the Prepyrus impl. Example usage:

use prepyrus::Prepyrus;

fn main() {
    let args = vec![
        "tests/mocks/test.bib".to_string(), // bibliography file
        "tests/mocks/data".to_string(), // target directory or .mdx file
        "verify".to_string(), // mode
        "tests/mocks/data/development.mdx".to_string(), // optional ignore paths, separate with commas if multiple

    let _ = run(args).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
        eprintln!("Error: {}", e);

    println!("Prepyrus completed successfully!");

fn run(args: Vec<String>) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let config = Prepyrus::build_config(&args, None)?;
    let all_entries = Prepyrus::get_all_bib_entries(&config.bib_file).unwrap();
    let mdx_paths =
        Prepyrus::get_mdx_paths(&config.target_path, Some(config.settings.ignore_paths))?;

    // Phase 1: Verify MDX files
    let articles_file_data = Prepyrus::verify(mdx_paths, &all_entries)?;

    // Phase 2: Process MDX files (requires mode to be set to "process")
    if config.mode == "process" {


verify mode only verifies the citations in the MDX files against the bibliography.

⚠️ NOTE: This mode modifies the MDX files.

process mode additionally processes the MDX files by injecting bibliography and other details into the MDX files.


The tool is designed to work with MDX files that contain citations in Chicago author-date style. Examples:

"...nowhere on heaven or on earth is there anything which does not contain both being and nothing in itself" (Hegel 2010, 61).

The tool parses and verifies the citations in the MDX files against a bibliography file in BibTeX format (using Biblatex). If the citations are valid, the tool processes the MDX files by adding a bibliography section at the end of the file. It also adds author, editor, and contributor from the MDX file metadata if available. Finally, it also adds a notes heading at the end if footnotes are present in the file.


The tool currently only supports citations in Chicago author-date style. Only book entries are currently supported (plans to support more types in the future). Only the following metadata fields from the target .mdx files are supported:

  • author
  • editor
  • contributor


To see a working implementation of prepyrus, please visit the sPhil repo.


Thanks to Typst's biblatex package for providing an awesome library for parsing BibTex files, the people behind serde and regex Rust crates and the Rust community!




~164K SLoC