1 unstable release

0.1.3 Nov 19, 2024

#997 in Cryptography

Used in z4-pozk


464 lines


start pozk-miner docker-compose

  • copy /deploy/config.toml to where you want
  • Change the miner to the account address you want to connect to locally. If the front-end switches here, you need to change it and restart it.

Dev in local

  • in cli, cargo run -- --miner 0x000_mineraccount_000 --endpoint https://linea-testnet-zytron.zypher.game --network testnet --host-base-path ./ --docker-base-path ./
ps. The path before the colon is the file path you defined,
and the path after the colon is the base_path of config.toml.
It is not recommended to modify it.
At the same time, put config.toml in the path you defined.

      - /home/cloud/tmp/pozk:/home/ubuntu/pozk


~1M SLoC