#static-site-generator #site #static #blog #web #generator #website


Highly customizable, polymorphic static site generator library

2 releases

0.0.2 Nov 26, 2024
0.0.1 Jan 25, 2024

#467 in Template engine

MPL-2.0 license

1.5K SLoC


Highly customizable, polymorphic static site generator library, polysite.

Crates.io docs.rs MPL-2.0

polysite is inspired by Hakyll written in Haskell. polysite aims to support creating your original static site generator.

The usage is described in the API documentation.


Highly customizable, polymorphic static site generator library, polysite.

This crate is inspired by Hakyll written in Haskell.


The concept of polysite is a set of components that can be used for static site generation. You can make your own static site generator by combining the various parts in polysite. polysite uses Metadata to store the result of each step of the compilation. Each step is passed a Context, modifies metadata, and returns a CompileResult, which represents the result of that step of the compilation task. Each step of compilation process is implemented by implementing Compiler::next_step. You can create a large compiler by piping together multiple compilers.

How to use

If you would like to simply build site written in Markdown, use compiler::markdown::MarkdownCompiler. The example is in examples/simple_markdown.rs.

How to create compiler

If you would like to create a new compiler, implement Compiler trait for your type. Compiler::next_step method is used to define each step of the compilation task.

compile! macro is provided for ease of creating pinned and boxed Future.

If you would like to pipe some compilers, use pipe! macro.

Compiler trait is implemented for closures that take a Context as an argument and return a CompilerReturn.


polysite uses Metadata to save compilation result and it can be used in other compilation task.

There are some default metadata:

  • _rule: Compiling rule name
  • _version: Compiling file version
  • _source: source file path
  • _target: target file path
  • _path: absolute URL path
  • _body: Content body. For the result of each compilation task.

You can use these default key of Metadata to create new compiler.


Practical example is here. Other examples are in repository.

use polysite::{
        file::CopyCompiler, markdown::MarkdownCompiler, metadata::SetMetadata,
use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
    let subscriber =


    let template_engine = TemplateEngine::new("templates/**").unwrap();
                .global("site_title", "Hello, polysite!")
                .global("site_url", "https://example.com")
            MarkdownCompiler::new(template_engine.clone(), "practical.html", None),
                MarkdownCompiler::new(template_engine.clone(), "practical.html", None),
            Rule::new("others", CopyCompiler::new()).set_globs(["**/*"]),


~347K SLoC