2 releases

0.1.1 Jul 5, 2020
0.1.0 Aug 22, 2019

#1330 in Data structures

21 downloads per month
Used in craft

MIT license

611 lines


crate-name at crates.io crate-name at docs.rs Build Status codecov

Radix Tree implementation for Rust.


Add this to your application's Cargo.toml.

patricia_router = 0.1.0


let mut router = Router::<&str>::new();
router.add("/", "root");
router.add("/*filepath", "all");
router.add("/products", "products");
router.add("/products/:id", "product");
router.add("/products/:id/edit", "edit");
router.add("/products/featured", "featured");

let mut result = router.find("/products/featured");
assert_eq!(result.key(), "/products/featured");
assert_eq!(result.payload, &Some("featured"));

// named parameters match a single path segment
result = router.find("/products/1000");
assert_eq!(result.key(), "/products/:id");
assert_eq!(result.payload, &Some("product"));

// catch all parameters match everything
result = router.find("/admin/articles");
assert_eq!(result.key(), "/*filepath");
assert_eq!(result.params("filepath"), "admin/articles");


Run tests following commands.

$ cargo test

$ rustup install nightly
$ cargo +nightly bench

Code submitted to this repository should be formatted according to cargo +nightly fmt.

$ rustup toolchain install nightly
$ cargo +nightly fmt


This project has been inspired and adapted from luislavena/radix Crystal implementation, respectively.

No runtime deps