43 releases (4 breaking)

0.5.5 May 11, 2023
0.5.3 Apr 18, 2023
0.4.9 Apr 13, 2023
0.4.1 Mar 31, 2023
0.1.9 Mar 3, 2023

#219 in Filesystem

49 downloads per month

MIT license

1.5K SLoC


A path-normalization pentesting tool

Whats NewBug FixesInstallationUsageExamplesContributingLicenseJoin Discord

What's New?

  • Removed redundant --filter-status which filtered the status codes but also missed a ton of valid findings.
  • Removed redundant --filter-body-size which filtered the response sizes but also missed a ton of valid findings.
  • Implemented --drop-after-fail which will ignore requests with the same response code multiple times in a row.
  • Added in a --proxy argument, so you can now perform proxy-related tasks such as sending everything to burp.
  • Pathbuster will now give you an eta on when the tool will finish processing all jobs.
  • Added in a --skip-brute argument, so you have the choice to perform a directory brute force or not.
  • Replaced --match-status with --pub-status and --int-status so we have more control over the detection stage.
  • Added in a --skip-validation argument which is used to bypass known protected endpoints using traversals.
  • Added in a --header argument which is used to add in additonal headers into each request.

Bug fixes?

  • Fixed a bug with the ETA, it would not produce the correct results.
  • Fixed a bug with the --proxy argument as well as some other small bugs.
  • Fixed a ton of performance issues and included directory bruteforcing at the end.
  • Massive performance and accuracy increases using itertools instead of double for loops reducing O(n^2) time complexity.


Install rust

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

Install pathbuster

cargo install pathbuster


pathbuster -h

This command will show the tool's help information and present a list of all the switches that are available.

    pathbuster [OPTIONS] --urls <urls> --payloads <payloads> --wordlist <wordlist>

    -u, --urls <urls>
            the url you would like to test

    -r, --rate <rate>
            Maximum in-flight requests per second

            [default: 1000]

            skip the directory bruteforcing stage

        --drop-after-fail <drop-after-fail>
            ignore requests with the same response code multiple times in a row

            [default: 302,301]

        --int-status <int-status>
            the internal web root status

            [default: 404,500]

        --pub-status <pub-status>
            the public web root status

            [default: 400]

    -p, --proxy <proxy>
            http proxy to use (eg

    -s, --skip-validation
            this is used to bypass known protected endpoints using traversals

    -c, --concurrency <concurrency>
            The amount of concurrent requests

            [default: 1000]

        --timeout <timeout>
            The delay between each request

            [default: 10]

        --header <header>
            The header to insert into each request

            [default: ]

    -w, --workers <workers>
            The amount of workers

            [default: 10]

        --payloads <payloads>
            the file containing the traversal payloads

            [default: ./payloads/traversals.txt]

        --wordlist <wordlist>
            the file containing the wordlist used for directory bruteforcing

            [default: ./wordlists/wordlist.txt]

    -o, --out <out>
            The output file

    -h, --help
            Print help information

    -V, --version
            Print version information


Flag Description
--urls the file containing the urls to test make sure it contains a path
--payloads file containing the payloads to test
--int-status used to match the status codes for identifying the internal web root
--pub-status used to match the status codes for identifying broken path normalization
--drop-after-fail specify a status code to ignore if it reoccurs more than 5 times in a row
--rate used set the maximum in-flight requests per second
--workers number of workers to process the jobs
--timeout the delay between each request
--concurrency number of threads to be used for processing
--wordlist the wordlist used for directory bruteforcing
--proxy http proxy to use (eg
--header The header to insert into each request
--skip-brute use to skip the directory brute forcing stage
--skip-validation this is used to bypass known protected endpoints using traversals
--out save output to a file
--help prints help information
--version prints version information



$ pathbuster --urls crawls.txt --payloads traversals.txt --wordlist wordlist.txt -o output.txt


If you find any cool bugs, it would be nice if I have some sorta appreciation such as shouting me out on your Twitter, buying me a coffee or donating to my Paypal.

BuyMeACoffee PayPal

I hope you enjoy


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Pathbuster is distributed under MIT License


~386K SLoC