#enums #struct #parse #macro #parser


Provides macros for parsing Rust constructs such as enums and structs

1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.0 May 1, 2016

#449 in #struct


828 lines

This crate provides high-level macros for parsing various Rust constructs.

Specifically, these macros are concerned with taking Rust source constructs and rewriting them into a format which is more easily consumable by macro_rules! macros.

<style type="text/css"> .link-block { font-family: "Fira Sans"; } .link-block > p { display: inline-block; } .link-block > p > strong { font-weight: 500; margin-right: 1em; } .link-block > ul { display: inline-block; padding: 0; list-style: none; } .link-block > ul > li { font-size: 0.8em; background-color: #eee; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 0.3em; display: inline-block; } </style>

Table of Contents


macro_rules! parse_enum {
then $cb:ident!( $($cb_arg:tt)* ),
) => { ... };

Parses $body as an enum, invoking the macro $cb with the result. The general form of the expansion is:

$cb! {
enum {
attrs: $attrs:tt,
vis: $vis:tt,
name: $name:ident,
generics: $generics:tt,
where: $where_:tt,
variants: $variants:tt,
num_variants: $num_variants:tt,


$cb_name and $cb_arg specify the macro to invoke with the result of parsing. Note that $cb_arg may be contained in any of ( .. ), [ .. ], or { .. }.


The expansion contains the following fields:

  • $attrs: a [ .. ]-delimited list of attributes. e.g.: [ #[doc="Does a thing"] #[repr(u8)] ].

  • $vis: a ( .. )-delimited visibility annotation. e.g.: (), (pub).

  • $name: the enum's name as an identifier. e.g.: Option.

  • $generics: the { .. }-delimited output of parse_generics_shim! for the enum, containing the constr, params, ltimes, and tnames fields:

generics: {
constr: $constr:tt,
params: $params:tt,
ltimes: $ltimes:tt,
tnames: $tnames:tt,
  • $constr: a [ .. ]-delimited, comma-terminated list of generic constraints. e.g. ['a, 'b: 'a, T, U: 'a + Copy,].

  • $params: a [ .. ]-delimited, comma-terminated list of generic parameter names. e.g. ['a, 'b, T, U,].

  • $ltimes: a [ .. ]-delimited, comma-terminated list of generic lifetime parameters. e.g. ['a, 'b,].

  • $tnames: a [ .. ]-delimited, comma-terminated list of generic type parameters. e.g. [T, U,].

  • $where_: the { .. }-delimited output of parse_where_shim! for the enum, containing the clause, and preds fields:

where: {
clause: $clause:tt,
preds: $preds:tt,
  • $clause: a [ .. ]-delimited, comma-terminated clause, including the where keyword. If the clause is empty, the where keyword is omitted, and the brackets are empty. e.g. [], [ where for<'a> T: Fn(&'a i32), ].

  • $preds: a [ .. ]-delimited, comma-terminated list of clause predicates. e.g. [], [ for<'a> T: Fn(&'a i32), ].

  • $variants: a [ .. ]-delimited, comma-terminated list of variants (described below).

  • $num_variants: the number of variants in the enum. e.g. 2.

Each variant has the following form:

ord: ($vord_index:tt, $vord_ident:ident),
attrs: $vattrs:tt,
kind: $vkind:ident,
name: $vname:ident,
fields: $vfields:tt,
num_fields: $vnum_fields:tt,
  • $vord_index: the 0-based ordinal for this variant. e.g. 1.

  • $vord_ident: an identifier guaranteed to be unique relative to other variants for the same enum. Identifiers are not guaranteed to be unique between different parse_enum! invocations. e.g. _ord_01.

  • $vattrs: a [ .. ]-delimited list of attributes attached to the variant. e.g. [ #[doc="A variant unlike the rest."] ].

  • $vkind: one of unitary, tuple, or record.

  • $vname: the variant's name as an identifier. e.g. None.

  • $vfields: a [ .. ]-delimited, comma-terminated list of fields (described below).

  • $vnum_fields: the number of fields in the variant. e.g. 1.

Variant fields have the following form:

ord: ($ford_index:tt, $ford_ident:ident),
attrs: $fattrs:tt,
vis: $fvis:tt,
ty: $fty:ty,

// **NOTE**: only exists for *record* variant fields:
name: $fname:ident,
  • $ford_index: the 0-based ordinal for this variant field. e.g. 1.

  • $ford_ident: an identifier guaranteed to be unique relative to other fields for the same variant. Identifiers are not guaranteed to be unique between different parse_enum! invocations, or between variants in the same invocation. e.g. _ord_01.

  • $fattrs: a [ .. ]-delimited list of attributes attached to the variant field. e.g. [ #[doc="A part of the whole."] ].

  • $fvis: a ( .. )-delimited visibility annotation. e.g.: (), (pub).

  • $fty: the type of the variant field.

  • $fname: the variant field's name as an identifier. e.g. part.


parse_enum! {
then stringify!(output:),
/// The `Option` type.
pub enum Option<T> {
/// No value.
/// Some value `T`.
/// File could not be found.
FileNotFound { path: PathBuf },

// Expands to:
