pallas-traverse is used at run time in 23 crates (of which 2 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 16 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 1 crate.

Number of dependers pallas-traverse version Downloads/month
8 0.32.0 1.6K
8 0.31.0 1.0K
1 0.30.2 500
2 0.22.0 240
2 0.19.1 0
1 0.18.3 550
0 0.16.0 1.7K
2 0.14.2 25
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) pallas-traverse version
2.5K 7 uplc ^0.31.0
1.9K 3 pallas =0.32.0
1.2K 2 pallas-hardano =0.32.0
1.0K 2 sidan-csl-rs ^0.31.0
800 2 pallas-applying =0.32.0
800 1 pallas-utxorpc =0.32.0
600 2 pallas-txbuilder =0.32.0
550 whisky ^0.31.0
270 seedelf-cli ^0.32.0
230 oura ^0.30.1
180 pallas-upstream ^0.19.0-alpha.0
160 2 aiken-project ^0.31.0
130 aiken ^0.31.0
800 1 mithril-common optional ^0.32.0
uplc-minimal-pallas ^0.22.0
whiskey ^0.22.0