37 releases (4 stable)
1.3.8 | Feb 25, 2025 |
1.1.0 | Feb 20, 2024 |
1.0.0 | Aug 31, 2023 |
0.13.1 | Apr 29, 2023 |
0.7.1-alpha.1 | Jul 22, 2021 |
#79 in Authentication
6,219 downloads per month
Rust API client for ory-kratos-client
This is the API specification for Ory Identities with features such as registration, login, recovery, account verification, profile settings, password reset, identity management, session management, email and sms delivery, and more.
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: v1.3.8
- Package version: v1.3.8
- Generator version: 7.7.0
- Build package:
Put the package under your project folder in a directory named ory-kratos-client
and add the following to Cargo.toml
under [dependencies]
ory-kratos-client = { path = "./ory-kratos-client" }
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CourierApi | get_courier_message | GET /admin/courier/messages/{id} | Get a Message |
CourierApi | list_courier_messages | GET /admin/courier/messages | List Messages |
FrontendApi | create_browser_login_flow | GET /self-service/login/browser | Create Login Flow for Browsers |
FrontendApi | create_browser_logout_flow | GET /self-service/logout/browser | Create a Logout URL for Browsers |
FrontendApi | create_browser_recovery_flow | GET /self-service/recovery/browser | Create Recovery Flow for Browsers |
FrontendApi | create_browser_registration_flow | GET /self-service/registration/browser | Create Registration Flow for Browsers |
FrontendApi | create_browser_settings_flow | GET /self-service/settings/browser | Create Settings Flow for Browsers |
FrontendApi | create_browser_verification_flow | GET /self-service/verification/browser | Create Verification Flow for Browser Clients |
FrontendApi | create_fedcm_flow | GET /self-service/fed-cm/parameters | Get FedCM Parameters |
FrontendApi | create_native_login_flow | GET /self-service/login/api | Create Login Flow for Native Apps |
FrontendApi | create_native_recovery_flow | GET /self-service/recovery/api | Create Recovery Flow for Native Apps |
FrontendApi | create_native_registration_flow | GET /self-service/registration/api | Create Registration Flow for Native Apps |
FrontendApi | create_native_settings_flow | GET /self-service/settings/api | Create Settings Flow for Native Apps |
FrontendApi | create_native_verification_flow | GET /self-service/verification/api | Create Verification Flow for Native Apps |
FrontendApi | disable_my_other_sessions | DELETE /sessions | Disable my other sessions |
FrontendApi | disable_my_session | DELETE /sessions/{id} | Disable one of my sessions |
FrontendApi | exchange_session_token | GET /sessions/token-exchange | Exchange Session Token |
FrontendApi | get_flow_error | GET /self-service/errors | Get User-Flow Errors |
FrontendApi | get_login_flow | GET /self-service/login/flows | Get Login Flow |
FrontendApi | get_recovery_flow | GET /self-service/recovery/flows | Get Recovery Flow |
FrontendApi | get_registration_flow | GET /self-service/registration/flows | Get Registration Flow |
FrontendApi | get_settings_flow | GET /self-service/settings/flows | Get Settings Flow |
FrontendApi | get_verification_flow | GET /self-service/verification/flows | Get Verification Flow |
FrontendApi | get_web_authn_java_script | GET /.well-known/ory/webauthn.js | Get WebAuthn JavaScript |
FrontendApi | list_my_sessions | GET /sessions | Get My Active Sessions |
FrontendApi | perform_native_logout | DELETE /self-service/logout/api | Perform Logout for Native Apps |
FrontendApi | to_session | GET /sessions/whoami | Check Who the Current HTTP Session Belongs To |
FrontendApi | update_fedcm_flow | POST /self-service/fed-cm/token | Submit a FedCM token |
FrontendApi | update_login_flow | POST /self-service/login | Submit a Login Flow |
FrontendApi | update_logout_flow | GET /self-service/logout | Update Logout Flow |
FrontendApi | update_recovery_flow | POST /self-service/recovery | Update Recovery Flow |
FrontendApi | update_registration_flow | POST /self-service/registration | Update Registration Flow |
FrontendApi | update_settings_flow | POST /self-service/settings | Complete Settings Flow |
FrontendApi | update_verification_flow | POST /self-service/verification | Complete Verification Flow |
IdentityApi | batch_patch_identities | PATCH /admin/identities | Create multiple identities |
IdentityApi | create_identity | POST /admin/identities | Create an Identity |
IdentityApi | create_recovery_code_for_identity | POST /admin/recovery/code | Create a Recovery Code |
IdentityApi | create_recovery_link_for_identity | POST /admin/recovery/link | Create a Recovery Link |
IdentityApi | delete_identity | DELETE /admin/identities/{id} | Delete an Identity |
IdentityApi | delete_identity_credentials | DELETE /admin/identities/{id}/credentials/{type} | Delete a credential for a specific identity |
IdentityApi | delete_identity_sessions | DELETE /admin/identities/{id}/sessions | Delete & Invalidate an Identity's Sessions |
IdentityApi | disable_session | DELETE /admin/sessions/{id} | Deactivate a Session |
IdentityApi | extend_session | PATCH /admin/sessions/{id}/extend | Extend a Session |
IdentityApi | get_identity | GET /admin/identities/{id} | Get an Identity |
IdentityApi | get_identity_schema | GET /schemas/{id} | Get Identity JSON Schema |
IdentityApi | get_session | GET /admin/sessions/{id} | Get Session |
IdentityApi | list_identities | GET /admin/identities | List Identities |
IdentityApi | list_identity_schemas | GET /schemas | Get all Identity Schemas |
IdentityApi | list_identity_sessions | GET /admin/identities/{id}/sessions | List an Identity's Sessions |
IdentityApi | list_sessions | GET /admin/sessions | List All Sessions |
IdentityApi | patch_identity | PATCH /admin/identities/{id} | Patch an Identity |
IdentityApi | update_identity | PUT /admin/identities/{id} | Update an Identity |
MetadataApi | get_version | GET /version | Return Running Software Version. |
MetadataApi | is_alive | GET /health/alive | Check HTTP Server Status |
MetadataApi | is_ready | GET /health/ready | Check HTTP Server and Database Status |
Documentation For Models
- AuthenticatorAssuranceLevel
- BatchPatchIdentitiesResponse
- ConsistencyRequestParameters
- ContinueWith
- ContinueWithRecoveryUi
- ContinueWithRecoveryUiFlow
- ContinueWithRedirectBrowserTo
- ContinueWithSetOrySessionToken
- ContinueWithSettingsUi
- ContinueWithSettingsUiFlow
- ContinueWithVerificationUi
- ContinueWithVerificationUiFlow
- CourierMessageStatus
- CourierMessageType
- CreateFedcmFlowResponse
- CreateIdentityBody
- CreateRecoveryCodeForIdentityBody
- CreateRecoveryLinkForIdentityBody
- DeleteMySessionsCount
- ErrorAuthenticatorAssuranceLevelNotSatisfied
- ErrorBrowserLocationChangeRequired
- ErrorFlowReplaced
- ErrorGeneric
- FlowError
- GenericError
- GetVersion200Response
- HealthNotReadyStatus
- HealthStatus
- Identity
- IdentityCredentials
- IdentityCredentialsCode
- IdentityCredentialsCodeAddress
- IdentityCredentialsOidc
- IdentityCredentialsOidcProvider
- IdentityCredentialsPassword
- IdentityPatch
- IdentityPatchResponse
- IdentitySchemaContainer
- IdentityWithCredentials
- IdentityWithCredentialsOidc
- IdentityWithCredentialsOidcConfig
- IdentityWithCredentialsOidcConfigProvider
- IdentityWithCredentialsPassword
- IdentityWithCredentialsPasswordConfig
- IsAlive200Response
- IsReady503Response
- JsonPatch
- LoginFlow
- LoginFlowState
- LogoutFlow
- Message
- MessageDispatch
- NeedsPrivilegedSessionError
- OAuth2Client
- OAuth2ConsentRequestOpenIdConnectContext
- OAuth2LoginRequest
- PatchIdentitiesBody
- PerformNativeLogoutBody
- Provider
- RecoveryCodeForIdentity
- RecoveryFlow
- RecoveryFlowState
- RecoveryIdentityAddress
- RecoveryLinkForIdentity
- RegistrationFlow
- RegistrationFlowState
- SelfServiceFlowExpiredError
- Session
- SessionAuthenticationMethod
- SessionDevice
- SettingsFlow
- SettingsFlowState
- SuccessfulCodeExchangeResponse
- SuccessfulNativeLogin
- SuccessfulNativeRegistration
- TokenPagination
- TokenPaginationHeaders
- UiContainer
- UiNode
- UiNodeAnchorAttributes
- UiNodeAttributes
- UiNodeImageAttributes
- UiNodeInputAttributes
- UiNodeMeta
- UiNodeScriptAttributes
- UiNodeTextAttributes
- UiText
- UpdateFedcmFlowBody
- UpdateIdentityBody
- UpdateLoginFlowBody
- UpdateLoginFlowWithCodeMethod
- UpdateLoginFlowWithIdentifierFirstMethod
- UpdateLoginFlowWithLookupSecretMethod
- UpdateLoginFlowWithOidcMethod
- UpdateLoginFlowWithPasskeyMethod
- UpdateLoginFlowWithPasswordMethod
- UpdateLoginFlowWithTotpMethod
- UpdateLoginFlowWithWebAuthnMethod
- UpdateRecoveryFlowBody
- UpdateRecoveryFlowWithCodeMethod
- UpdateRecoveryFlowWithLinkMethod
- UpdateRegistrationFlowBody
- UpdateRegistrationFlowWithCodeMethod
- UpdateRegistrationFlowWithOidcMethod
- UpdateRegistrationFlowWithPasskeyMethod
- UpdateRegistrationFlowWithPasswordMethod
- UpdateRegistrationFlowWithProfileMethod
- UpdateRegistrationFlowWithWebAuthnMethod
- UpdateSettingsFlowBody
- UpdateSettingsFlowWithLookupMethod
- UpdateSettingsFlowWithOidcMethod
- UpdateSettingsFlowWithPasskeyMethod
- UpdateSettingsFlowWithPasswordMethod
- UpdateSettingsFlowWithProfileMethod
- UpdateSettingsFlowWithTotpMethod
- UpdateSettingsFlowWithWebAuthnMethod
- UpdateVerificationFlowBody
- UpdateVerificationFlowWithCodeMethod
- UpdateVerificationFlowWithLinkMethod
- VerifiableIdentityAddress
- VerificationFlow
- VerificationFlowState
- Version
To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:
cargo doc --open
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