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#313 in #statistics
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Used in odesign
is an optimal design of experiments library written in pure rust.
There are at least these following use cases:
- Fast calculation of optimal designs of arbitrary linear models with custom design bounds and optimalities.
- Research in area of optimal designs; e.g. I am working on a new optimal design feature selection algorithm, a mixture of SFFS, D-, C- and Measurements-Costs-Optimality, allowing to perform model feature selection and measurements alternating.
Get started
Please have a look at the book on odesign.rs for a high level introduction and theoretical background and at the docs on docs.rs/odesign for the implementation details.
Mailing lists
- odesign-announce: Low-volume mailing list for announcements
- odesign-discuss: Mailing list for end-user discussion and questions
- odesign-devel: Mailing list for development discussion and patches. For help sending patches to this list, please consult git-send-email.io.
The tracker on sr.ht/~maunke/odesign/trackers is for confirmed bugs and confirmed feature requests only.
Before creating a ticket, search for existing (possibly already fixed) issues, on the docs or in the mailing list archives: odesign-discuss, odesign-devel.
If you cannot find anything describing your issue or if you have a question, ask on one of the the mailing lists first. You will be asked to file a ticket if appropriate.
Basic Example
In short, this is a basic example of an optimal design of the simple polynomial 1 + x within design bounds [-1, +1] and 101 equally distributed grid points as an init design.
use nalgebra::{SVector, Vector1};
use num_dual::DualNum;
use odesign::{
DOptimality, Feature, FeatureFunction, FeatureSet, LinearModel, OptimalDesign, Result,
use std::sync::Arc;
#[dimension = 1]
struct Monomial {
i: i32,
impl FeatureFunction<1> for Monomial {
fn f<D: DualNum<f64>>(&self, x: &SVector<D, 1>) -> D {
// f(x): 1 + x
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let mut fs = FeatureSet::new();
let c: Arc<_> = Monomial { i: 0 }.into();
let c: Arc<_> = Monomial { i: 1 }.into();
let lm = LinearModel::new(fs.features);
let optimality: Arc<_> = DOptimality::new(lm.into()).into();
let lower = Vector1::new(-1.0);
let upper = Vector1::new(1.0);
let q = Vector1::new(101);
let mut od = OptimalDesign::new()
.with_bound_args(lower, upper)?
.with_init_design_grid_args(lower, upper, q)?;
// Output
// ---------- Design ----------
// Weight Support Vector
// 0.5000 [ -1.0000 ]
// 0.5000 [ +1.0000 ]
// -------- Statistics --------
// Optimality measure: 1.000000
// No. support vectors: 2
// Iterations: 1
// ----------------------------
- Optimalities:
- D-Optimality
- C-Optimality
- Custom Optimality
- A-Optimality
- Costs Optimality
- Design Bounds:
- Cubic Bounds
- Custom Bounds
- Documentation:
- documentation of the optimal design solver backed by "adaptive grid semidefinite programming for finding optimal designs" (doi: 10.1007/s11222-017-9741-y)
- Research:
- New optimal design feature selection algorithm, a mixture of SFFS, D-, C- and Measurements-Costs-Optimality, allowing to perform model feature selection and measurements alternating
~17K SLoC