obfstr is used at run time in 13 crates (of which 6 optionally). It's used only as a dev dependency in 2 crates.

Number of dependers obfstr version Downloads/month
6 0.4.4 9.9K
0 0.4.3 18K
6 0.3.0 850
2 0.2.6 1.2K
1 0.1.1 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) obfstr version
1.2K include-crypt ^0.2.4
950 6 fmtools optional ^0.4
debugprotector ^0.4.1
news-flash ^0.4
memlibload ^0.3
anti-debugging ^0.3
lazy_link ^0.4.3
memflex ^0.4.3
faithe ^0.3.0
150 2 skidscan optional ^0.3
usdpl-back optional ^0.3
usdpl-front optional ^0.3
1.2K 1 include-crypt-codegen dev ^0.2.4
capcom0 dev ^0.1