#bank-account #bank #validation #cbn #nigeria


A light weight crate for verifying account numbers based on NUBAN guidelines

2 stable releases

1.1.0 Jan 29, 2023
1.0.0 Mar 20, 2019

#5 in #bank-account

MIT license

159 lines


Build Status crates.io

This is a lightweight Rust crate for verifying NUBAN numbers for all Nigerian bank accounts as was directed by the CBN.

What does it do?

It checks the validity of a Nigerian bank account number based on the NUBAN guidelines provided by the CBN.

How to use

    use nuban::Nuban;

    fn main() {
        // pass the bank code and account number as arguments
        let nuban = Nuban::new("058", "0739082716").unwrap();
        if let Ok(true) = nuban.is_valid_account() {
            println!("'{}' is a valid account number", nuban.account_number());
        } else {
            println!("'{}' is not a valid account number", nuban.account_number());

Create a NUBAN instance using the conventional new method

    let nuban = Nuban::new("098", "1038489302");

To check validity on a NUBAN instance:

    println!("{}", nuban.is_valid_account().unwrap());


  • Create an issue if you spot any bug.
  • Feel free to fork and fix or extend the feature.
  • Run cargo test to ensure all tests are passing.
  • Add tests for your new features if you can.
  • Send in your pull request 🔥🔥


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No runtime deps