5 releases
Uses old Rust 2015
0.1.3 | Nov 2, 2017 |
0.1.2 | Nov 2, 2017 |
0.1.1 | Nov 2, 2017 |
0.1.0 | Oct 28, 2017 |
0.0.0 | Aug 12, 2017 |
#1070 in Machine learning
618 lines
This crate is a modular implementation of a neural network. It was created with the intention to make the implementation of any learning method for the neural network really simple and without a runtime cost. If you want to know how to implement any learning technique you can take a look at the src/back_prop folder where you can find an implementation of back propagation. If you're just interested in using a neural network to solve problems you can follow the tutorial down below on how to add it to your project and how to use it.
Add neural_network to your project
Add this line to your dependencies in your Cargo.toml file
neural_network = "0.1.3"
Then, add this at the beginning of your src/main.rs or src/lib.rs file
extern crate neural_network;
And you're good to go!
Examples of using back propagation
Here's an example of how to use back propagation to train a neural network to return the sin and the cos of a number. You'll also see how to save the network to a file and reload it.
use neural_network::back_prop::prelude::*;
use std::fs::{File, remove_file};
use rand;
fn main() {
let file_name = "back_prop_net.nn";
let mut net = BackProp::new(1, &[50, 50, 50], 2,
0.05, 0.1, 1.0,
Tanh::activation, Tanh::derivative,
Tanh::activation, Tanh::derivative);
// Generate the training data
let mut train_inputs: Vec<[f64;1]> = Vec::with_capacity(1000);
let mut train_targets: Vec<[f64;2]> = Vec::with_capacity(1000);
for _ in 0..1000 {
let num: f64 = rand::random();
train_targets.push([num.sin(), num.cos()]);
// Generate the testing data
let mut test_inputs: Vec<[f64;1]> = Vec::with_capacity(100);
let mut test_targets: Vec<[f64;2]> = Vec::with_capacity(100);
for _ in 0..100 {
let num: f64 = rand::random();
let sc = num.sin_cos();
test_targets.push([sc.0, sc.1]);
let train_inputs: Vec<&[f64]> = train_inputs.iter().map(|n|n as &[f64]).collect();
let train_targets: Vec<&[f64]> = train_targets.iter().map(|n|n as &[f64]).collect();
let test_inputs: Vec<&[f64]> = test_inputs.iter().map(|n|n as &[f64]).collect();
let test_targets: Vec<&[f64]> = test_targets.iter().map(|n|n as &[f64]).collect();
let result = net.train(0.001, None, None,
&train_inputs, &train_targets,
&test_inputs, &test_targets);
assert!(result.min_error <= 0.001);
net.save(&mut File::create(file_name).unwrap()).unwrap();
let loaded = BackProp::load(&mut File::open(file_name).unwrap(), Tanh::activation, Tanh::derivative,
Tanh::activation, Tanh::derivative, ).unwrap();
assert_eq!(net, loaded);