netlink-proto is used at run time in 336 crates (of which 291 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 14 crates. It's used at build time in 10 crates (of which 10 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 34 crates (of which 2 directly).

Number of dependers netlink-proto version Downloads/month
364 0.11.3 141K
11 0.10.0 156K
1 0.9.2 2.2K
2 0.7.0 2.8K
1 0.4.1 0
1 0.1.1 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) netlink-proto version
304K 36 rtnetlink ^0.11
232K 18 if-watch ^0.11.0
8.8K 6 genetlink ^0.11.2
5.8K 1 ethtool ^0.11.2
4.7K 1 mptcp-pm ^0.11.2
3.8K 1 wl-nl80211 ^0.11.2
1.2K 5 netlink-packet-audit ^0.11
150 dwd ^0.11.3
ip-roam ^0.11
1 audit ^0.11.2
3 fcnet ^0.11.3
ipwatch ^0.1
ethtool-xujunjie ^0.11.2
xfrmnetlink ^0.11.2
5.3K 4 netlink-packet-wireguard dev ^0.11.2
100 1 netlink-packet-xfrm dev ^0.11.2