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NeoRust v0.1.9

Neo Logo     Neo X Logo     R3E Logo

Rust Crates.io Documentation License: MIT License: Apache-2.0

NeoRust is a comprehensive Rust SDK for interacting with the Neo N3 blockchain. It provides a complete set of tools and utilities for building applications on the Neo ecosystem, including wallet management, transaction creation, smart contract interaction, and more.


  • Complete Neo N3 Support: Full compatibility with the Neo N3 blockchain protocol
  • Wallet Management: Create, manage, and secure Neo wallets with support for NEP-6 standard
  • Transaction Building: Construct and sign various transaction types
  • Smart Contract Interaction: Deploy and interact with smart contracts
  • RPC Client: Connect to Neo nodes via JSON-RPC
  • NEP-17 Token Support: Interact with NEP-17 compatible tokens
  • Neo Name Service (NNS): Resolve and manage domain names on the Neo blockchain
  • Cryptographic Operations: Secure key management and cryptographic functions
  • NeoFS Support: Interact with the NeoFS distributed storage system
  • Modular Architecture: Well-organized codebase with clear separation of concerns
  • Famous Neo N3 Contracts: Direct support for popular Neo N3 contracts like Flamingo Finance, NeoburgerNeo, GrandShare, and NeoCompound
  • Neo X Support: EVM compatibility layer and bridge functionality for Neo X, an EVM-compatible chain maintained by Neo

Quick Start

Import all essential types and traits using the prelude:

use neo::prelude::*;

Connect to a Neo N3 Node

use neo::prelude::*;

async fn example() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
   // Connect to a Neo N3 TestNet node
   let provider = neo_providers::JsonRpcClient::new("https://testnet1.neo.coz.io:443");
   // Get basic blockchain information
   let block_count = provider.get_block_count().await?;
   println!("Current block height: {}", block_count);
   // Get the latest block
   let latest_block = provider.get_block_by_index(block_count - 1, 1).await?;
   println!("Latest block hash: {}", latest_block.hash);


Add neo3 to your Cargo.toml:

neo3 = "0.1.9"

Note: The crate is published as neo3 but is imported as neo in code:

use neo::prelude::*;

For the latest development version, you can use the Git repository:

neo3 = { git = "https://github.com/R3E-Network/NeoRust.git" }

Feature Flags

NeoRust supports several feature flags to customize functionality:

neo3 = { version = "0.1.9", features = ["futures", "ledger", "aws"] }

Available features:

  • futures: Enables async/futures support
  • ledger: Enables hardware wallet support via Ledger devices
  • aws: Enables AWS integration
  • default: Default features (minimal setup)

You can disable default features with:

neo3 = { version = "0.1.9", default-features = false, features = ["futures"] }


Comprehensive documentation is available at:

Usage Examples

Connecting to Neo Nodes

use neo::{
    neo_clients::{HttpProvider, JsonRpcProvider},

async fn connect_to_nodes() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Connect to MainNet
    let mainnet_provider = HttpProvider::new("https://mainnet1.neo.org:443")?;
    let mainnet_client = RpcClient::new(mainnet_provider);
    // Connect to TestNet
    let testnet_provider = HttpProvider::new("https://testnet1.neo.org:443")?;
    let testnet_client = RpcClient::new(testnet_provider);
    // Get blockchain information
    let block_count = testnet_client.get_block_count().await?;
    let latest_block_hash = testnet_client.get_best_block_hash().await?;

Wallet Management

use neo::{
    neo_wallets::{Wallet, WalletBackup, WalletTrait},
    prelude::{NeoNetwork, ScryptParamsDef},

async fn manage_wallets() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Create a new wallet
    let mut wallet = Wallet::new();
    // Configure wallet properties
    let wallet = wallet.with_network(NeoNetwork::TestNet.to_magic());
    // Create and add a new account
    let new_account = Account::create()?;
    let mut wallet = wallet;
    // Encrypt accounts in the wallet
    // Backup and recover wallet
    let backup_path = std::path::PathBuf::from("wallet_backup.json");
    WalletBackup::backup(&wallet, backup_path.clone())?;
    let recovered_wallet = WalletBackup::recover(backup_path)?;

Creating and Sending Transactions

use neo::{
    neo_clients::{HttpProvider, JsonRpcProvider},
    neo_builder::transaction::{Transaction, TransactionBuilder},
    prelude::{RpcClient, Signer, WalletTrait},

async fn create_transaction() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Connect to TestNet
    let provider = HttpProvider::new("https://testnet1.neo.org:443")?;
    let client = RpcClient::new(provider);
    // Create accounts
    let sender = Account::create()?;
    let receiver = Account::create()?;
    // Build a transfer transaction
    let tx = TransactionBuilder::new()
        .valid_until_block(client.get_block_count().await? + 100)
    // Sign and send the transaction
    let signed_tx = tx.sign(&sender).await?;
    let tx_hash = client.send_raw_transaction(signed_tx).await?;

Interacting with Smart Contracts

use neo::{
    neo_clients::{HttpProvider, JsonRpcProvider},
    neo_contract::{ContractManagement, SmartContract},
    neo_types::contract::{ContractParameter, ContractParameterType},
    prelude::{RpcClient, Signer},

async fn interact_with_contract() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Connect to TestNet
    let provider = HttpProvider::new("https://testnet1.neo.org:443")?;
    let client = RpcClient::new(provider);
    // Load a contract by its script hash
    let contract_hash = "0xef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5".parse()?;
    let contract = SmartContract::new(contract_hash, client.clone());
    // Call a read-only method
    let result = contract.call_function("balanceOf", vec![
    // Invoke a contract method that changes state
    let account = Account::create()?;
    let invoke_result = contract.invoke(

Working with NEP-17 Tokens

use neo::{
    neo_clients::{HttpProvider, JsonRpcProvider},
    prelude::{RpcClient, Signer},

async fn work_with_nep17_tokens() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Connect to TestNet
    let provider = HttpProvider::new("https://testnet1.neo.org:443")?;
    let client = RpcClient::new(provider);
    // Create an account
    let account = Account::create()?;
    // Connect to a NEP-17 token contract (e.g., NEO)
    let neo_token_hash = "0xef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5".parse()?;
    let neo_token = Nep17Contract::new(neo_token_hash, client.clone());
    // Get token information
    let symbol = neo_token.symbol().await?;
    let decimals = neo_token.decimals().await?;
    let total_supply = neo_token.total_supply().await?;
    // Get account balance
    let balance = neo_token.balance_of(account.get_script_hash()).await?;
    // Transfer tokens
    let recipient = "NZNos2WqTbu5oCgyfss9kUJgBXJqhuYAaj".parse()?;
    let transfer_result = neo_token.transfer(

Using Neo Name Service (NNS)

use neo::{
    neo_clients::{HttpProvider, JsonRpcProvider},
    prelude::{RpcClient, Signer},

async fn use_neo_name_service() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Connect to TestNet
    let provider = HttpProvider::new("https://testnet1.neo.org:443")?;
    let client = RpcClient::new(provider);
    // Create a NameService instance
    let nns = NameService::new(client);
    // Resolve a domain name to a script hash
    let domain = "example.neo";
    let script_hash = nns.resolve(domain).await?;
    println!("Domain {} resolves to: {}", domain, script_hash);
    // Get the owner of a domain
    let owner = nns.get_owner(domain).await?;
    println!("Domain {} is owned by: {}", domain, owner);
    // Check if a domain is available
    let is_available = nns.is_available("newdomain.neo").await?;
    println!("Domain is available: {}", is_available);

Working with Famous Neo N3 Contracts

use neo::{
    neo_clients::{HttpProvider, JsonRpcProvider},
    neo_contract::famous::{FlamingoContract, NeoburgerContract, GrandShareContract, NeoCompoundContract},
    prelude::{RpcClient, Signer},
use std::str::FromStr;

async fn interact_with_famous_contracts() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Connect to MainNet
    let provider = HttpProvider::new("https://mainnet1.neo.org:443")?;
    let client = RpcClient::new(provider);
    // Create an account
    let account = Account::create()?;
    // Interact with Flamingo Finance
    let flamingo = FlamingoContract::new(Some(&client));
    // Get Flamingo swap rate
    let token_a = ScriptHash::from_str("d2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf")?; // GAS
    let token_b = ScriptHash::from_str("ef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5")?; // NEO
    let swap_rate = flamingo.get_swap_rate(&token_a, &token_b, 1_0000_0000).await?;
    println!("Swap rate: {} NEO per GAS", swap_rate as f64 / 100_000_000.0);
    // Interact with NeoburgerNeo (bNEO)
    let neoburger = NeoburgerContract::new(Some(&client));
    // Get bNEO exchange rate
    let rate = neoburger.get_rate().await?;
    println!("bNEO exchange rate: {} bNEO per NEO", rate);
    // Wrap NEO to bNEO
    let wrap_tx = neoburger.wrap(1, &account).await?;
    // Interact with GrandShare
    let grandshare = GrandShareContract::new(Some(&client));
    // Submit a proposal
    let proposal_tx = grandshare.submit_proposal(
        "My Proposal",
        "This is a proposal description",
        1000_0000_0000, // 1000 GAS
    // Interact with NeoCompound
    let neocompound = NeoCompoundContract::new(Some(&client));
    // Get APY for a token
    let gas_token = ScriptHash::from_str("d2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf")?;
    let apy = neocompound.get_apy(&gas_token).await?;
    println!("Current APY for GAS: {}%", apy);

Using Neo X EVM Compatibility and Bridge

use neo::{
    neo_clients::{HttpProvider, JsonRpcProvider},
    neo_x::{NeoXProvider, NeoXTransaction, NeoXBridgeContract},
    prelude::{RpcClient, Signer, ScriptHash},
use primitive_types::H160;
use std::str::FromStr;

async fn use_neo_x() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Connect to Neo N3
    let neo_provider = HttpProvider::new("https://mainnet1.neo.org:443")?;
    let neo_client = RpcClient::new(neo_provider);
    // Initialize the Neo X EVM provider
    let neo_x_provider = NeoXProvider::new("https://rpc.neo-x.org", Some(&neo_client));
    // Get the chain ID for Neo X
    let chain_id = neo_x_provider.chain_id().await?;
    println!("Neo X Chain ID: {}", chain_id);
    // Create an EVM transaction
    let destination = H160::from_str("0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890")?;
    let data = vec![/* transaction data */];
    let transaction = NeoXTransaction::new(
        0, // Value
        21000, // Gas limit
        20_000_000_000, // Gas price
    // Use the Neo X Bridge to transfer tokens between Neo N3 and Neo X
    let bridge = NeoXBridgeContract::new(Some(&neo_client));
    // Get the GAS token script hash
    let gas_token = ScriptHash::from_str("d2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf")?;
    // Get bridge information
    let fee = bridge.get_fee(&gas_token).await?;
    let cap = bridge.get_cap(&gas_token).await?;
    println!("Bridge fee: {} GAS", fee as f64 / 100_000_000.0);
    println!("Bridge cap: {} GAS", cap as f64 / 100_000_000.0);
    // Deposit GAS from Neo N3 to Neo X
    let account = Account::create()?;
    let neo_x_address = "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890";
    let amount = 1_0000_0000; // 1 GAS
    let deposit_tx = bridge.deposit(
    // Withdraw GAS from Neo X to Neo N3
    let neo_n3_address = "NbTiM6h8r99kpRtb428XcsUk1TzKed2gTc";
    let withdraw_tx = bridge.withdraw(


NeoRust provides configuration options for different network environments and blockchain parameters:

use neo::{
    neo_config::{NeoConfig, NeoConstants, NEOCONFIG},

fn configure_neo() {
    // Access global configuration
    let mut config = NEOCONFIG.lock().unwrap();
    // Set network to MainNet
    // Configure transaction behavior
    config.allows_transmission_on_fault = true;
    // Use predefined constants
    let max_tx_size = NeoConstants::MAX_TRANSACTION_SIZE;
    let mainnet_magic = NeoConstants::MAGIC_NUMBER_MAINNET;
    let testnet_magic = NeoConstants::MAGIC_NUMBER_TESTNET;
    // Create a custom configuration for MainNet
    let mainnet_config = NeoConfig::mainnet();

Available Features

NeoRust provides several optional features that can be enabled in your Cargo.toml:

  • ledger: Support for hardware wallets via Ledger devices
  • aws: AWS KMS integration for key management
  • futures: Support for asynchronous Futures

Example of enabling multiple features:

neo3 = "0.1.4"

Build and Test Scripts

NeoRust includes convenient scripts for building and testing with different feature configurations:


# Build with default configuration

# Build with specific features
./scripts/build.sh --features ledger,aws,futures

# Run tests with default features (ledger,aws,futures)

# Run tests and show output
./scripts/test.sh --nocapture


# Build with default configuration

# Build with specific features
.\scripts\build.bat --features ledger,aws,futures

# Run tests with default features (ledger,aws,futures)

For more details on available script options, see the scripts README.

Project Structure

NeoRust is organized into several modules:

  • neo_builder: Transaction and script building utilities
  • neo_clients: Neo node interaction clients (RPC and WebSocket)
  • neo_codec: Encoding/decoding for Neo-specific data structures
  • neo_config: Network and client configuration
  • neo_contract: Smart contract interaction
  • neo_crypto: Neo-specific cryptographic operations
  • neo_protocol: Neo network protocol implementation
  • neo_types: Core Neo ecosystem data types
  • neo_wallets: Neo asset and account management


Contributions are welcome! Here's how you can contribute to the NeoRust SDK:

  1. Report Issues: If you find a bug or have a feature request, please create an issue on the GitHub repository.

  2. Submit Pull Requests: If you'd like to contribute code:

    • Fork the repository
    • Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name)
    • Make your changes
    • Run the tests (./scripts/test.sh)
    • Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
    • Push to the branch (git push origin feature/your-feature-name)
    • Open a Pull Request
  3. Coding Standards: Please follow the Rust coding standards and include appropriate tests for your changes.

  4. Documentation: Update the documentation to reflect your changes if necessary.

Package Status

NeoRust is now available on crates.io as the neo3 crate. The latest version is 0.1.9.

This means you can now easily add it to your Rust projects without having to reference the GitHub repository directly.


This project is licensed under either of

at your option.


Supported by R3E Network and GrantShares. Additional support is welcome.

The NeoRust team would like to thank everyone who contributed to reaching the milestone of publishing the neo3 crate to crates.io.

Copyright © 2020-2025 R3E Network. All rights reserved.


~1M SLoC