9 releases

0.10.7 Nov 2, 2023
0.10.6 Nov 1, 2023
0.10.5 Sep 1, 2023
0.10.3 Aug 29, 2023
0.9.3 Aug 10, 2023

#571 in Rust patterns

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Library for simple 1C:Enterprise platform Native API Component development, originates from findings of this medigor/example-native-api-rs

Crate is tested on Linux and Windows. It should work on MacOS as well, but it is not tested.


Library is divided into two submodules:

  • native_api_1c_core describes all necessary for implementing 1C:Enterprise Native API
  • native_api_1c_macro provides a tool for significant simplification of component implementation, taking care of native_api_1c_core::interface::AddInWrapper property implementation


Attributes #[add_in_prop(...)]

  • name - property name in 1C
  • name_ru - property name in 1C in Russian
  • readable - property is readable from 1C
  • writable - property is writable from 1C

Available property types: i32, f64, bool, String

Functions or procedures #[add_in_func(...)]

  • name - property name in 1C
  • name_ru - property name in 1C in Russian

Input arguments, #[arg(...)], for each type of argument must be set, on of:

  • Int - i32
  • Float - f64
  • Bool - bool
  • Str - String
  • Date - chrono::DateTime<chrono::FixedOffset>
  • Blob - Vec<u8>

Return values, #[returns(...)], type must be set, one of:

  • Int - i32
  • Float - f64
  • Bool - bool
  • Str - String
  • Date - chrono::DateTime<chrono::FixedOffset>
  • Blob - Vec<u8>
  • None - () Additionally, Result<T, ()> can be used, where T is one of the above. In this case, result must be set in #[returns(...)] attribute: #[returns(Int, result)] for Result<i32, ()>


# Cargo.toml
name = "my_addin"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

utf16_lit = "2.0"
native_api_1c = "0.10.3"
// src/lib.rs
use std::sync::Arc;

use native_api_1c::{native_api_1c_core::ffi::connection::Connection, native_api_1c_macro::AddIn};

pub struct MyAddIn {
    /// connection with 1C, used for calling events
    /// Arc is used to allow multiple threads to access the connection 
    connection: Arc<Option<&'static Connection>>, 

    /// Property, readable and writable from 1C
    #[add_in_prop(name = "MyProp", name_ru = "МоеСвойство", readable, writable)]
    pub some_prop: i32,

    /// Property, readable from 1C but not writable
    #[add_in_prop(name = "ProtectedProp", name_ru = "ЗащищенноеСвойство", readable)]
    pub protected_prop: i32,

    /// Function, taking one or two arguments and returning a result
    /// In 1C it can be called as:
    ///  ComponentObject.MyFunction(10, 15); // 2nd argument = 15
    ///  ComponentObject.MyFunction(10);     // 2nd argument = 12 (default value)
    /// If function returns an error, but does not panic, then 1C will throw an exception 
    #[add_in_func(name = "MyFunction", name_ru = "МояФункция")]
    #[arg(Int, default = 12)]
    #[returns(Int, result)]
    pub my_function: fn(&Self, i32, i64) -> Result<i32, ()>,

    /// Function, taking no arguments and returning nothing 
    #[add_in_func(name = "MyProcedure", name_ru = "МояПроцедура")]
    pub my_procedure: fn(&mut Self),

    /// Private field, not visible from 1C
    private_field: i32,

impl MyAddIn {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            connection: Arc::new(None),
            some_prop: 0,
            protected_prop: 50,
            my_function: Self::my_function,
            my_procedure: Self::my_procedure,
            private_field: 100,

    fn my_function(&self, arg: i32, arg_maybe_default: i64) -> Result<i32, ()> {
            + self.some_prop
            + arg
            + self.private_field
            + arg_maybe_default as i32)

    fn my_procedure(&mut self) {
        self.protected_prop += 1;


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