#maria-db #replication #binlog #cdc #change #capture #events


MySQL/MariaDB binlog change data capture (CDC) connector for Rust

9 releases

0.2.1 Jul 13, 2023
0.2.0 Jun 4, 2023
0.1.7 Jun 3, 2023
0.1.6 Jan 25, 2022
0.1.0 Sep 29, 2021

#613 in Database interfaces

Download history 3/week @ 2024-12-08

68 downloads per month

MIT license

3.5K SLoC


crates.io docs.rs

MySQL/MariaDB binlog replication client for Rust


Please note the lib currently has the following limitations:

  • Supports only standard auth plugins mysql_native_password and caching_sha2_password.
  • Currently, the library doesn't support SSL encryption.
  • Doesn't handle split packets (16MB and more).

Binlog event stream replication

Real-time replication client works the following way.

use mysql_cdc::binlog_client::BinlogClient;
use mysql_cdc::binlog_options::BinlogOptions;
use mysql_cdc::errors::Error;
use mysql_cdc::providers::mariadb::gtid::gtid_list::GtidList;
use mysql_cdc::providers::mysql::gtid::gtid_set::GtidSet;
use mysql_cdc::replica_options::ReplicaOptions;
use mysql_cdc::ssl_mode::SslMode;

fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    // Start replication from MariaDB GTID
    let _options = BinlogOptions::from_mariadb_gtid(GtidList::parse("0-1-270")?);

    // Start replication from MySQL GTID
    let gtid_set =
        "d4c17f0c-4f11-11ea-93e3-325d3e1cd1c8:1-107, f442510a-2881-11ea-b1dd-27916133dbb2:1-7";
    let _options = BinlogOptions::from_mysql_gtid(GtidSet::parse(gtid_set)?);

    // Start replication from the position
    let _options = BinlogOptions::from_position(String::from("mysql-bin.000008"), 195);

    // Start replication from last master position.
    // Useful when you are only interested in new changes.
    let _options = BinlogOptions::from_end();

    // Start replication from first event of first available master binlog.
    // Note that binlog files by default have expiration time and deleted.
    let options = BinlogOptions::from_start();

    let options = ReplicaOptions {
        username: String::from("root"),
        password: String::from("Qwertyu1"),
        blocking: true,
        ssl_mode: SslMode::Disabled,
        binlog: options,

    let mut client = BinlogClient::new(options);

    for result in client.replicate()? {
        let (header, event) = result?;
        println!("{:#?}", header);
        println!("{:#?}", event);

        // You process an event here

        // After you processed the event, you need to update replication position
        client.commit(&header, &event);

A typical transaction has the following structure.

  1. GtidEvent if gtid mode is enabled.
  2. One or many TableMapEvent events.
    • One or many WriteRowsEvent events.
    • One or many UpdateRowsEvent events.
    • One or many DeleteRowsEvent events.
  3. XidEvent indicating commit of the transaction.

It's best practice to use GTID replication with the from_gtid method. Using the approach you can correctly perform replication failover. Note that in GTID mode from_gtid has the following behavior:

  • from_gtid(@@gtid_purged) acts like from_start()
  • from_gtid(@@gtid_executed) acts like from_end()

Reading binlog files offline

In some cases you will need to read binlog files offline from the file system. This can be done using BinlogReader class.

use mysql_cdc::{binlog_reader::BinlogReader, errors::Error};
use std::fs::File;

const PATH: &str = "mysql-bin.000001";

fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let file = File::open(PATH)?;
    let reader = BinlogReader::new(file)?;

    for result in reader.read_events() {
        let (header, event) = result?;
        println!("{:#?}", header);
        println!("{:#?}", event);


~81K SLoC