#scale #chord #music


Crate for basic music elements

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Mar 20, 2024

#127 in Multimedia



Simplee > Musika

CI GitHub top language License:MIT GitHub code size in bytes GitHub last commit GitHub watchers


A Rust crate for musical basic elements.

use musika_rs::{C, chords::{self}, scales::{self}};

let chord = C.maj();

let scale = scales::major(C);

Build and Run

To build the crate

cargo build

To build and view the internal documentstion:

cargo doc --open

You can find more examples in the examples folder. To run an example:

cargo run --example find

Sharps and Flats

The crate allows you to print the notes either with sharps (#) or flats(b) by using X or x when fomating the chords or the scales:

let scale = minor(C);
assert_eq!(format!("{scale:X}"), "C minor [C, D, D#, F, G, G#, A#, C]");
assert_eq!(format!("{scale:x}"), "C minor [C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb, C]");


The crate allows you to build the following chords:

You can find all the chords in the chords folder.


The crate allows you to build the following scales:

use musika_rs::scales::*;

let scale = scales::major(C);
assert_eq!(format!("{scale:X}"), "C major [C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C]");
assert_eq!(format!("{scale:x}"), "C major [C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C]");

You can find all the scales in the scales folder.

Piano Exercises

You can find all piano exercises implemented in the exercises examples. You can see the practices by running:

cargo run --example exercise1
cargo run --example exercise2
cargo run --example exercise3
cargo run --example exercise4
cargo run --example exercise5
  • Exercise 1 | C - Am | F - G |
  • Exercise 2 | C - G | Am - F | C - G | F - Em - Dm - C |
  • Exercise 3 | Cx4 | Gx4 | Gx4 | Cx4 | Fx4 | Cx4 | Gx4 | Cx4 |
  • Exercise 4 | C | F | Bdim | Em | Am | Dm | G | C |
  • Exercise 5 | Dm9 Dm9 | G13 G13 | Dm9 Dm9 | G13 G13 |



Code designed and written on the beautiful island of Saaremaa, Estonia.

