3 releases

0.2.2 May 9, 2022
0.2.1 May 2, 2022
0.2.0 May 2, 2022
0.1.0 Apr 18, 2022

#230 in No standard library

Zlib license

556 lines

Rust crates-io api-docs

For destructuring an expression into multiple constants.

The primary feature of this crate is the multiconst macro, which destructuring an expression into multiple constants.


For more examples you can look in the docs for multiconst


This example demonstrates destructuring an array (whose length is inferred) into multiple constants.

use multiconst::multiconst;

assert_eq!(A, 0b11);
assert_eq!(B, 0b111);
assert_eq!(C, 0b1111);
assert_eq!(D, 0b11111);

    pub const [A, B, C, D]: [u64; _] = mersennes_from(2);

/// Generates all mersenne numbers (binary numbers that are all `1` bits)
/// from `start` amount of 1s up to `start + N - 1`.
const fn mersennes_from<const N: usize>(start: u32) -> [u64; N] {
    let mut out = [0; N];
    multiconst::for_range!{i in 0..N =>
        out[i] = (1 << (i as u32 + start)) - 1;


This example demonstrates how structs that impl FieldType can be destructured.

This example uses the FieldType derive macro (which requires the "derive" feature) to make it possible to destructure struct fields without annotating their types.

use multiconst::{FieldType, multiconst};

assert_eq!(MIN, 3);
assert_eq!(MAX, 21);

    const MinMax{min: MIN, max: MAX}: MinMax = min_max(&[21, 13, 3, 8, 5]);

struct MinMax {
    min: u32,
    max: u32,

const fn min_max(elems: &[u32]) -> MinMax {
    let mut min = u32::MAX;
    let mut max = 0;
    multiconst::for_range!{i in 0..elems.len() =>
        let elem = elems[i];
        if elem < min { min = elem; }
        if elem > max { max = elem; }
    MinMax{min, max}


All these crate features are opt-in:

  • "derive": enables the FieldType derive macro.

No-std support

multiconst is #![no_std], it can be used anywhere Rust can be used.

Minimum Supported Rust Version

multiconst requires Rust 1.51.0, requiring crate features to use newer language features.

