1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jul 15, 2019

#2664 in Procedural macros


268 lines

This is another one Rust quasi-quoting library like quote that gives you mquote! macro providing several features aimed on better readability and usability.


The only interpolations supported by quote! macros are regular insertion #a (and you are not able to put an expression like my_struct.field here) and repeating insertion #(...)*.

For me that's not enough. If you wanna conditionally put a piece of tokens, you have to associate them with some variable and then interpolate it into quote! expression:

let conditional_piece = if having_fun { 
    quote!(fn funny_method() { ... }) 
} else { 
    fn regular_method() { ... }

Don't you find it could be confusing? Especially if there're a lot of such things. Even putting simple expression like my_struct.field must be handled in this way.

Introduce templating mquote!

It supports:

So you're able to rewrite above code:

    #{if having_fun}
        fn funny_method() { ... }
    fn regular_method() { ... }

This crate is not about syntax sugar only! In fact using mquote! in complicated cases gives a bit of performance increasing since it does not create a several TokenStreams and join them together, it handles everything within single TokenStream.

Crate contains mquote! and mquote_spanned!. Usage examples of the first one are in following section. The second one allow you to set span of producing tokens stream by this syntax: mquote_spanned!(span => ...).

More examples

Expression insertion

Turns given expression into tokens by using ToTokens.

fn put_filter(enabled: bool) ->  proc_macro2::TokenStream {
    let good_person = Person{ name: "Oleg", age: 20 };
        assert!(!#{enabled} || person.name == #{good_person.name} 
            && person.age >= #{good_person.age})

If / elif / else

fn define_container(amount: usize) ->  proc_macro2::TokenStream {
        #{if amount > 1}
            struct People(Vec<Person>);
        #{elif amount == 1}
            struct Human(Person);
            struct NoneHuman;


fn define_person(fields: Vec<(Ident, Ident)>) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
        pub struct Person {
            #{for (name, ty) in fields}
                #{name}: #{ty}


fn hardcode_it(var: Ident, value: Option<&str>) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
        static #var: &str = #{match value}
            #{of Some(x) if x.len() > 0}
            #{of Some(_)}
                "case for empty strings";
            #{of None}
                "default value";


Sometimes you want mquote! to consume an iterator of TokenTrees without cloning. It's possible with special syntax ^{iterable} that accepts any IntoIterator<Item=TokenTree>.

fn assign_by_ref(stream: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let tail = stream.into_iter().drop(5); // here could be something
                                           // more reasonable
        let _ = ^{tail}

Escaping #{} or ^{}

If you want to put either #{abc} or ^{abc} as is, you should double braces:

fn it_works() {
    let tokens = mquote!(#{{abc}} ^{{abc}});
    assert_eq!(tokens.to_string(), "# { abc } ^ { abc }")

