#portfolio #modern #mpt #lib #theory #libaray #theroy


a function libaray for modern portfolio theroy

2 releases

0.0.2 Feb 12, 2023
0.0.1 Feb 4, 2023

#9 in #mpt


7.5K SLoC


a function libaray for modern portfolio theroy


The full name of MPT is modern portfolio theory. It is an economic framework through which investors try to take minimal market risks and achieve maximum returns for a given investment portfolio
The target of lib is provide all MPT calculation method

Key parameter explaintion

date : all date in this lib is a integer value from 1970-01-01

freq: the frequence include bellow

pub enum ClFrequency {
ClFrequencyUnknown = -1,
ClFrequencyDaily,        //= 0,
ClFrequencyWeekly,       //1
ClFrequencyMonthly,      //2
ClFrequencyQuarterly,    //3
ClFrequencyAnnually,     //4
ClFrequencySemiannually, //5

rank type:

 pub enum ClRankType {
 ClRankTypeNoRank = 0,
 ClRankTypeRaw = 1,
 ClRankTypeAsc = 2,
 ClRankTypeDec = 3,
 ClRankTypePercAsc = 4,
 ClRankTypePercDec = 5,
 ClRankTypeDecAsc = 6,
 ClRankTypeDecDec = 7,
 ClRankTypeQuinAsc = 8,
 ClRankTypeQuinDec = 9,
 ClRankTypeQuartAsc = 10,
 ClRankTypeQuartDec = 11,


~65K SLoC