Cargo Features

mozilla-root-ca = { version = "2025.3.7", default-features = false, features = ["std", "der", "pem", "x509cert", "x509-certificate", "rustls", "rustls-trust-anchor", "native-tls", "security-framework", "schannel"] }
default = der

The der feature is set by default whenever mozilla-root-ca is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.


Enables once_cell

der default rustls? security-framework?

Enables const-decoder2

Affects mozilla-root-ca::der, mozilla-root-ca::DER_LIST_LEN

pem native-tls? schannel? x509-certificate? x509cert?

Affects mozilla-root-ca::pem, mozilla-root-ca::PEM_LIST_LEN

x509cert = pem

Enables lazy_static and x509cert

Affects mozilla-root-ca::x509cert

x509-certificate = pem

Enables lazy_static and x509-certificate

Affects mozilla-root-ca::x509_certificate

rustls rustls-trust-anchor? = der

Enables rustls-pki-types

Affects mozilla-root-ca::rustls

rustls-trust-anchor = rustls

Enables lazy_static and rustls-webpki ^0.102.8

Affects rustls::rustls_trust_anchor_list

native-tls = pem

Enables lazy_static and native-tls

Affects mozilla-root-ca::native_tls

security-framework = der

Enables lazy_static and security-framework

Affects mozilla-root-ca::security_framework

schannel = pem

Enables lazy_static and schannel

Affects mozilla-root-ca::schannel