Cargo Features

moonramp-core = { version = "0.1.22", default-features = false, features = ["std", "full", "async-core", "crypto", "crypto-currency-bitcoin", "crypto-currency-bitcoin-rpc", "crypto-currency-monero", "http", "jsonrpc", "money", "random", "serialization", "sql-enable-mysql", "sql-enable-postgres", "sql-enable-sqlite", "sql", "time", "wasm", "lib", "embedded", "test"] }
default = std

The std feature is set by default whenever moonramp-core is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default

Enables std and std_rng of rand ^0.8.5, std of anyhow, argon2 ^0.4.1, bip39 ^1.0.1, bitcoin ^0.28.1, bs58 ^0.4.0, hkdf, and lz4_flex ^0.9.4 and std of serde and serde_json


Provide impls for common standard library types like Vec<T> and HashMap<K, V>.
Requires a dependency on the Rust standard library.

full = http, lib, sql
async-core lib? = async-trait, futures, tokio

Enables tokio of wasmtime-wasi ^0.35.3

Affects types::NetworkTunnelSender, types::NetworkTunnelReceiver, types::NetworkTunnelChannel

crypto lib? = aes-gcm-siv, argon2, chacha20poly1305, hkdf, sha3

Affects types::ApiCredential, types::Hash

crypto-currency-bitcoin = bip39, bitcoin
crypto-currency-bitcoin-rpc = bitcoincore-rpc-json
crypto-currency-monero = monero
http full? = actix-cors, actix-rt, actix-web, actix-web-httpauth, awc, hyper
jsonrpc = jsonrpsee
money = rusty-money
random lib? = rand, uuid
serialization lib? = bs58, lz4_flex, rmp-serde, serde, serde_json

Enables sqlx-mysql of sea-orm ^0.8.0

sql-enable-postgres sql?

Enables sqlx-postgres of sea-orm ^0.8.0


Enables sqlx-sqlite of sea-orm ^0.8.0

sql full? = sea-orm, sql-enable-postgres
time lib? = chrono
wasm = wasmtime, wasmtime-wasi
lib full? = async-core, crypto, log, random, serialization, time

Enables secp-lowmemory of bitcoin ^0.28.1


Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

actix-cors http?

Enables actix-cors ^0.6.1

actix-rt http?
actix-web http?
actix-web-httpauth http?

Enables actix-web-httpauth ^0.6.0

aes-gcm-siv crypto?

Enables aes-gcm-siv ^0.10.3

argon2 crypto? std

Enables argon2 ^0.4.1

async-trait async-core?
awc http?
bip39 crypto-currency-bitcoin? std

Enables bip39 ^1.0.1

bitcoin crypto-currency-bitcoin? embedded? std

Enables bitcoin ^0.28.1

bitcoincore-rpc-json crypto-currency-bitcoin-rpc?

Enables bitcoincore-rpc-json ^0.15.0

bs58 serialization? std

Enables bs58 ^0.4.0

chacha20poly1305 crypto?

Enables chacha20poly1305 ^0.9.0

chrono time?
futures async-core?
hkdf crypto? std
hyper http?

Enables hyper ^0.14.18

jsonrpsee jsonrpc?

Enables jsonrpsee ^0.14.0

log lib?
lz4_flex serialization? std

Enables lz4_flex ^0.9.4

monero crypto-currency-monero?

Enables monero ^0.17.2

rand random? std

Enables rand ^0.8.5

rmp-serde serialization?
rusty-money money?
sea-orm sql? sql-enable-mysql? sql-enable-postgres? sql-enable-sqlite?

Enables sea-orm ^0.8.0

serde serialization? std
serde_json serialization? std
sha3 crypto?
tokio async-core?
uuid random?

Enables uuid ^0.8.2

wasmtime wasm?

Enables wasmtime ^0.35.3

wasmtime-wasi async-core? wasm?

Enables wasmtime-wasi ^0.35.3