#month #time #calendar #season


Typed enumerations and utilities for months and meteorological seasons

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Dec 11, 2024

#33 in #month

MIT license

286 lines


month-and-season is a Rust library that provides typed enumerations for the 12 months of the year and the 4 meteorological seasons, along with utilities for converting between them, iterating through them, and performing basic navigation.


  • Month enumeration:

    • Convert between numeric representations (1-12) and Month.
    • Convert to/from string representations (e.g. "January" <-> Month::January).
    • Navigate through months with next() and previous().
    • Iterate through all months.
  • Season enumeration:

    • Determine a Season from a given Month using Season::from_month().
    • Convert to/from string representations (e.g. "Autumn" <-> Season::Autumn).
    • Retrieve all months in a season via Season::months().
    • Iterate through all seasons.

Example Usage:

use month_and_season::{Month, Season};
use std::str::FromStr;

fn main() {
    let m = Month::March;
    println!("Month: {}", m);

    let s = Season::from_month(m);
    println!("Season for March: {}", s);

    let parsed_month = Month::from_str("October").unwrap();
    println!("Parsed month: {}", parsed_month);

    let parsed_season = Season::from_str("Winter").unwrap();
    println!("Parsed season: {}", parsed_season);

    println!("All months in Summer: {:?}", Season::Summer.months());
    println!("Next month after December: {}", Month::December.next());


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