#ipc #module #editor #font #communication #inter-process #modular


Modular Font Editor K (MFEK) inter-process communication library

1 unstable release

0.0.4-beta1 Dec 19, 2022

#27 in #inter-process


480 lines

MFEK IPC (inter-process communication) Library v0.0.4-beta1

Modular Font Editor K (MFEK) inter-process communication library. No longer alpha, now in beta ꞵ! Yet still has an unstable API, and will remain unversioned for now.

This library is responsible for:

  • communication between running MFEK modules (including modules of the same type, e.g. multiple processes of MFEKglif)

  • providing helper functions for running modules w/CLI APIs that often need to be called by other modules (examples: MFEKinit, MFEKmetadata) (this part might be spun off into another library)

  • providing the IPCInfo struct which can be used by modules to tell other modules what they know about the current environment (answering questions like: is .glif parented? do we need to add .exe to module names on command line?)

  • provides an API for version checking of modules and an Available enum, if user doesn't have the module we need (Yes, No, Degraded [version mismatch, might be ok, might not])

  • display of ASCII art headers, such as…

            ___           ___         ___           ___
           /\  \         /\__\       /\__\         /|  |
          |::\  \       /:/ _/_     /:/ _/_       |:|  |
          |:|:\  \     /:/ /\__\   /:/ /\__\      |:|  |
        __|:|\:\  \   /:/ /:/  /  /:/ /:/ _/_   __|:|  |
       /::::|_\:\__\ /:/_/:/  /  /:/_/:/ /\__\ /\ |:|__|____           __                    __
       \:\~~\  \/__/ \:\/:/  /   \:\/:/ /:/  / \:\/:::::/__/   _____  / /_   _____  ____    / /__  ___
        \:\  \        \::/__/     \::/_/:/  /   \::/~~/~      / ___/ / __/  / ___/ / __ \  / //_/ / _ \
         \:\  \        \:\  \      \:\/:/  /     \:\~~\      (__  ) / /_   / /    / /_/ / / ,<   /  __/
          \:\__\        \:\__\      \::/  /       \:\__\    /____/  \__/  /_/     \____/ /_/|_|  \___/
           \/__/         \/__/       \/__/         \/__/
    • «unironically MFEK's killer feature, this is what will finally cause my font editor project to be taken seriously» ~ Fred 2021-12-19
    • (if you hate these, you can disable them with environment variable MFEK_SUPPRESS_HEADER; disable system-wide by putting in shell profile e.g. for bash export MFEK_SUPPRESS_HEADER=1)


~196K SLoC