#pretty-print #print #cli


Metro is a crate for rendering graphs similar to git log --graph

2 releases

0.1.1 Feb 19, 2020
0.1.0 Feb 18, 2020

#250 in Visualization

MIT license

947 lines


Build Status Latest Version Docs License

Metro is a crate for creating and rendering graphs similar to git log --graph.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

metro = "0.1"


Release notes are available in the repo at CHANGELOG.md.

Example Output

The code for creating the following example, can be found after the graph.

* Station 1
* Station 2
* Station 3
| * Station 4
| |\
| * | Station 5
| | * Station 6
* | | Station 7
| * | Station 8
| | * Station 9
| | |\
| | | |\
| | | | | Station 10 (Detached)
| |_|_|/
|/| | |
| | | * Station 11
| " | |
|  / /
* | | Station 12
| * | Station 13
| | * Station 14
| |/
| * Station 15
| "
* Station 16

Example Using Metro

The following example outputs the graph above.

use metro::Metro;

let mut metro = Metro::new();

let mut track1 = metro.new_track();
track1.add_station("Station 1");
track1.add_station("Station 2");
track1.add_station("Station 3");

let mut track2 = track1.split();
track2.add_station("Station 4");

let mut track3 = track2.split();
track2.add_station("Station 5");
track3.add_station("Station 6");

track1.add_station("Station 7");
track2.add_station("Station 8");
track3.add_station("Station 9");

let mut track4 = track3.split();
let track5 = track4.split();

metro.add_station("Station 10 (Detached)");


track4.add_station("Station 11");


track1.add_station("Station 12");
track3.add_station("Station 13");
track4.add_station("Station 14");


track3.add_station("Station 15");


track1.add_station("Station 16");

let string = metro.to_string().unwrap();

println!("{}", string);

Example Using Event

The following example outputs the graph above.

use metro::Event::*;

let events = [
    Station(0, "Station 1"),
    Station(0, "Station 2"),
    Station(0, "Station 3"),
    SplitTrack(0, 1),
    Station(1, "Station 4"),
    SplitTrack(1, 2),
    Station(1, "Station 5"),
    Station(2, "Station 6"),
    Station(0, "Station 7"),
    Station(1, "Station 8"),
    Station(2, "Station 9"),
    SplitTrack(2, 3),
    SplitTrack(3, 4),
    Station(5, "Station 10 (Detached)"),
    JoinTrack(4, 0),
    Station(3, "Station 11"),
    Station(0, "Station 12"),
    Station(2, "Station 13"),
    Station(3, "Station 14"),
    JoinTrack(3, 0),
    Station(2, "Station 15"),
    Station(0, "Station 16"),

let string = metro::to_string(&events).unwrap();

println!("{}", string);

No runtime deps