Cargo Features

mech-stats = { version = "0.2.34", default-features = false, features = ["stdlib", "signed-ints", "unsigned-ints", "floats", "Bool", "U64", "U128", "I64", "I128", "F64", "matrix", "fixed-row-vector", "fixed-vector", "fixed-matrix", "RowVector2", "Vector2", "Matrix1", "Matrix3x2", "MatrixD"] }
default = stdlib

The stdlib feature is set by default whenever mech-stats is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

stdlib default = Bool, floats, matrix, signed-ints, unsigned-ints
signed-ints stdlib = I16, I32, I64, I8
unsigned-ints stdlib = U16, U32, U64, U8
floats stdlib = F32, F64
Bool stdlib
U8 U16 U32 U64 unsigned-ints?
I8 I16 I32 I64 signed-ints?
F32 F64 floats?
matrix stdlib = MatrixD, RowVectorD, VectorD, fixed-matrix, fixed-row-vector, fixed-vector
fixed-row-vector matrix? = RowVector2, RowVector3, RowVector4
fixed-vector matrix? = Vector2, Vector3, Vector4
fixed-matrix matrix? = Matrix1, Matrix2, Matrix2x3, Matrix3, Matrix3x2, Matrix4
RowVector4 RowVector3 RowVector2 fixed-row-vector?
Vector4 Vector3 Vector2 fixed-vector?
Matrix4 Matrix3 Matrix2 Matrix1 fixed-matrix?
Matrix2x3 Matrix3x2 fixed-matrix?
RowVectorD VectorD MatrixD matrix?

mech-stats has 20 features without comments.