#mdbook #book #create #init #containing #empty #mbbook-starter

yanked mdbook-shell


0.1.0 Jan 16, 2024

#44 in #empty

Custom license


Contains (Mach-o exe, 465KB) target/debug/mbbook, (Mach-o exe, 465KB) mbbook-c444b7d1ad842690, (Mach-o exe, 3KB) mbbook-c444b7d1ad842690.1zz3l3mw33kmyx68.rcgu.o, (Mach-o exe, 7KB) mbbook-c444b7d1ad842690.2cirjkkscv1kxg8a.rcgu.o, (Mach-o exe, 4KB) mbbook-c444b7d1ad842690.2iwt865b2gt4xp8t.rcgu.o, (Mach-o exe, 3KB) mbbook-c444b7d1ad842690.2k9gouzeb5s1iz36.rcgu.o and 8 more.

A book from markdown files written in rust

Assuming you have rust and cargo installed

The mdbook init command will create a new directory containing an empty book.

% /Users/thatonedev/.cargo/bin/mdbook init mdbook


init Creates the boilerplate structure and files for a new book

build Builds a book from its markdown files

test Tests that a book's Rust code samples compile

clean Deletes a built book

completions Generate shell completions for your shell to stdout

watch Watches a book's files and rebuilds it on changes

serve Serves a book at http://localhost:3000, and rebuilds it on changes

help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

 % /Users/thatonedev/.cargo/bin/mdbook serve --open
 In the root of the book is book.toml

 title = "mdbook"

images rendered with the img tag src=./favicon.png   Relative: /src/images/favicon.png 

websites embeded with iframe src=

<iframe src="https://unconventional.jessejesse.com" style="border:0px #ffffff none;" name="myiFrame" scrolling="yes" frameborder="1" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="800px" width="400px" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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~573K SLoC