1 unstable release
Uses old Rust 2015
0.0.1 | Jan 29, 2017 |
#28 in #memcached
32 downloads per month
Contains (WOFF font, 120KB) docs/Heuristica-Italic.woff, (WOFF font, 90KB) docs/FiraSans-Medium.woff, (WOFF font, 92KB) docs/FiraSans-Regular.woff, (WOFF font, 56KB) docs/SourceCodePro-Regular.woff, (WOFF font, 56KB) docs/SourceCodePro-Semibold.woff, (WOFF font, 49KB) docs/SourceSerifPro-Bold.woff and 1 more.
MemCached Binary Protocol Revamp Parser
The goal of this crate to start building a memcached rust client.
This crate implements an elementary level packet parser/encoder. The custom semantics around individual opcode's extra fields is not handled in this release. They will be in the future.
This crate does NO verification data while encoding. So it on the library implementary to ensure it follows the basic rules of MBPR for communicating to a server. (Key <= 250 ASCII characters, Body <= 2MB, etc.)
mbpr = "0.0.1"
Nom based decoder for Memcached Binary Packet Protol
Supports all current opcodes. The goal of this interface is simplicity and speed. There is very little validation done on packet construction the expectation of that is placed on higher libraries.
The parsing is fairly strict.
For examples please see tests directory or keep reading.
This was created based on Memcached Wiki